Funny Business

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it's 7 pm in the Malhotras resident Simran walks out of the bedroom after taking a shower and wearing a sleeveless long white lace dress, she tied her hair up in a ponytail, puts her jasmine perfume, it's Raj's favourite, with simple eye makeup and a blush lip gloss, that's how Raj loves her "Natural beauty" as he likes to call it.

She's been in the kitchen for the past two hours preparing dinner, it's her first time cooking "biryani" Raj's favorite​ dish, it's been so long since they sat together for a meal without him being disturbed with an urgent phone call making him run back to the office. he's been working nonstop for the past 3 weeks and refuses to discuss anything work related with her, even though she never understood all the co-operative stuff, but still, she cares so much for him that she wouldn't mind setting hours with him talking gibberish about his day at work, as long as he shares what the hell is going on in the company that makes him so tense all the time, she hopes it's nothing serious.

Any way, he must be on his way home, everything must look perfect now.

She hears the door knob turn and runs toward the mirror to check her looks, spins around while Raj enters the room.

Raj: You don't need to look in the mirror, my beautiful wife.

Simran runs into his opened arms

Simran: welcome home baby, I missed you so much.

Raj: (kissing her softly) I missed you to my love (smelling her neck and sighs) You smell so good (start kissing her neck)

Simran: you're in a good mood, hope everything went well today.

Raj: (exhales deeply) there's a big conference tomorrow with some of the most powerful investors if it goes well it'll be a huge step in our position in the global market.

Simran: What's wrong with your current position? I thought that Malhotra's industries are a big company.

Raj (smiles and kisses the tip of her nose) it is my love, but this time is different.

Simran: What do you mean?

Raj (lacing her with his arm) Can we not talk about work? What's for dinner? I'm starving, l could eat a horse.

Simran (with the widest smile) I made your favorite​ dish.

Raj (his eyes nearly popped out of his head) You cooked "biryani"?

Simran: Yes I did.. Why are you so shocked?

Raj: No baby.. l didn't mean to sound shocked, it's just that you never cooked "biryani" before, I thought you didn't know how.

Simran: I didn't, but I called my mom and asked her for the recipe.

Raj: baby, you shouldn't have, you could've asked the cook to make it.

Simran: l know, l just wanted to do it myself, don't like it when I cook for you?

Raj (kissing her forehead): Of course I do My beautiful (kissing her cheek) perfect, most caring wife in this whole wide world.

Simran: Well, you know what they say "the way to your man's heart is through his stomach"

Raj (holding her back with one hand pulling her closer to his chest with a mischievous smile on his face) "They" know nothing about me (placing his hand on her cheek as he gently brushes his lips against her upper lip teasing her with a soft kiss, her body shivers once she feels the warmth of his skin on hers, even though he kissed her thousands of times, she still feels the excitement as if it was their first kiss, he just has this magical effect on her, she doesn't hesitate to kiss him back, slowly warping her arms around his neck, he presses his lips harder against hers, kissing her passionately, moving his hand off her cheek going for her ponytail, loosens it from the tie that held it, that's how he likes her hair, loose, flowing down her back.

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