An Objective Completed.

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Prince was exactly where they had left him, and he was fuming.

"There you two are! Why are you siding with him, Logic? Look at what he's done to you, he's a menace, look at what he's done to me!"

Anxiety said not a thing, reminding himself that Prince wasn't in his right mind at the moment, that he was more than what he thought of him. He looked strictly at the floor, deciding not to pay him any more attention than what it took to move him to his room.

He'd put up his thick walls, now, and he wasn't gonna let anything through. He glanced at Logic, gauging his reaction to Prince's little rant.

Logic was even angrier at the Prince than before, if that was possible, and every part of him wanted to scream at him. Because Prince was wrong, so very wrong. But he knew well enough from earlier that if he tried to properly talk too much, he'd quickly fall into frustration and tears, so he just glared and started to gently pull Prince to his room.

He needed rest. He needed to calm down. They all did. And Lo? He needed to be away from all the painful, headache-inducing stress.

Anxiety walked behind the two, making sure that Prince followed Logic. Prince spluttered, being unused to being ignored so blatantly. Nor could he see much sense through his anger and illness.

"Where are you taking me?" He finally gave in, huffing frustrated at the two.

"Your room, genius. You need to rest. And to calm the hell down." Anxiety's voice was a bit colder, almost icy, bore resemblance to the glacier that took down the mighty Titanic; and yet, still somewhat normal, reserved, sarcastic.

"How dare you? After what you've just done, tell me to calm down?" Prince still sounded just as angry as before, renewed by Anxiety's words after he'd forced himself to be civil.

Logic didn't think before breaking his control, he couldn't help it. He was just so angry and frustrated— he stopped in his tracks and faced Prince with a set jaw, frustration and the dulled smoky panic in his eyes.

Prince, I don't see anyone else yelling here, and it's not his fault anyways. There's something going on in that room, and I don't know how, but we've got to fix it before you and Dad fade, and I never get my voice back. Back off of Anxiety!

He could only hope that Prince understood any of that. He was shaking with the intensity of his built-up anger, the fire he'd been trying to control, that he'd failed to control.

"Logic, it's fine. Let's just keep going." Anxiety had understood his friend, but he didn't know how much of it the Prince has caught. He knew that if Prince said something along the lines of not being able to understand Logic that he would get even more frustrated, and maybe even that horrible downing feeling— worthlessness— would come back. And he did not want to feel any more of that than he already had.

"What's going on in That Room, then?" Prince had instantly gone down at least a few notches, even if he's still incredibly upset, maybe a little murderous.

"Let's get you back to your room first." Anxiety rolled his eyes, doing it more to show Logic that he was fine than to display any actual sass. "Not like we've been trying to do that for the past day or anything."

Logic was genuinely surprised that he'd been understood by Prince, and didn't respond at first, opening the door to Prince's room. He wasn't sure if he was more curious in his own right about what exactly that thing was doing, or if he was still too peeved to peacefully converse with Prince for how he'd treated Anxiety.

Though he definitely noted how Anxiety had spoken, and seemed to relax a little. His friend was fine, his friend was fine. Well. Maybe not... fine, but as close to fine as they were going to get at that moment.

Anxiety took over leading the Prince, making sure not to make any contact with his skin. He plopped him down on his bed, honestly not caring how he flinched away from him when he positioned him. He was too tired for this, quite honestly.

"Yeah, there's something in The Room— yes, That Room— and we're pretty sure that's what's causing this whole mess. We just have to get rid of it." Anxiety was just waiting for Prince to be satisfied so they could both just— go back to Logic's room, or his if he'd prefer. They needed rest too, they needed their safe space he could feel a headache coming on from all the panicking and crying they'd been doing.

We can all talk about it tomorrow, you need to sleep and relax, Prince.

Logic didn't mention just how exhausted they were, and he was doing his best to be civil as he could manage.

He stood up, fighting back his panic-headache with swords made of determination and stubbornness, giving Anxiety a Look that said they really needed some sleep themselves. He was about to drop where he stood.

"Logic's right. We can do this tomorrow, you need to sleep." Anxiety glanced back at Logic, definitely conveying how much he agreed. They both really needed their rest as well, and there was no way Anxiety was going to let Logic stay up any longer after... that. He headed out of Prince's door, not wanting him to see how Logic and Anxiety were likely headed toward the same location.

Logic stayed a moment longer before he left the room, near collapsing from his exhaustion.

My room tonight?

He didn't really fancy being alone right now, and going back to Anxiety's room would only remind the pair what had brought him there and his [currently suppressed] emotions. Emotions so intense that he was too scared to properly process them.

"Definitely." He sighed, grabbing Logic's arm and transporting them both to the familiar walls of Logic's room.

Once in the safety of his room, Logic seemed to relax a little, even if his head was pounding. He found himself pulling Anxiety in his arms comfortably on his bed, out of words to say, even if he could say them at all. Now that he could think far more clearly, he knew worrying about things they just couldn't handle right now would not help, and he just wanted the comfort of their normal lives back. That's all he wanted right now, as useless a hope it seemed.

Anxiety, for the first time that day, found himself able to relax; and he did so completely. The stress of the day came to him then in the form of lethargic exhaustion, and the warm arms of Logic helped convince him that he was finally, finally safe. It suddenly felt like any other night the two spent in each other's company, instead of the black pit of plain... bad [horrible terrifying horrific scary] that day had been.

...And while Logic knew there was still danger lurking, he also knew that, for once, he felt safe. Safe enough to finally sleep, and let the remaining headache fade away like fog in the sunshine.

And together, the two drifted off from their hellish nightmare of a day to their nightmares.

(Allthefandomsgamer is the actual best coauthor in this universe and you can't tell me otherwise,,,,,,)

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