So. Let start at the very beginning. A very good place to start.
I'm sorry, I just had to😂No. You didn't. Now every one is cringing and laughing at your pathetic ness.
OK. My name is olive summer. Its a strange name but its mine and that's what counts!
Yer... Sure... It doesn't matter that when ever Isaac or veronica see you they make you like hell because your name is "olive summer"
Just leave me alone please for 45 second so I can introduce my self to the person who is going to cringe at the things I do but could be a new friend... Maybe... If you want to... I don't mind... Your choice...
Smooth olive, real smooth and for the record I all ready cringe every time you breath so...
Just shut up!!
Thank you.
Misses split fire here is my inner demon. Most 13 year old girls have inner demons but I have an actual inner demon. Like a demon living inside of me to make me regret every single thing I do... Every single thing. I have named her bobby because ever since I was born I have had a bunny Teddy called bobby (plus it means I can call her bob and who doesn't love the name Bob!!)Me I don't. I hate bob. I litteraly rip you heart out of you pathetic chest if she say that shitty name one more time!!
No you won't. You can't. The reason for this , new friend, is because on my thirteenth birthday I was a victim in a horrific terror attack in the city I was living in. This led to my life being on the line whilst I was in hospital. There was no hope for me. I was destined to die. But because I have an amazing mum, she wasn't going to let that happen and so made a deal with Satan. I was to live , but , only with the devil inside of me. The reason that Bob cannot harm me is because if she dose, she too with perish.
So! Sorry to dampen your mood but but I thought I would
Clear the air whilst I could. And I hope I haven't frightened you away because we haven't even go to the bit about my every day life! And I can tell you now... It is very very event full .No it isn't.
Yes it is!
No it isn't!
Yes it is! Anyway. I will leave you to make up that decision!
They will agree with me...
That's what you think
Let's bet on it. I get to decided what you say for a whole school day if I win.
And you can leave me alone for a whole school day if you don't!
Your on!
The life of me and my inner demon😇😈
FantasyThis is my first story so please try to refrain form dying of cringeyness. It is too much paper work... Enjoy😇