Chapter 5: The Seeker And The Sound

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If Albus had to compare the first week of his second year to the first week of the year prior, he

would have had no trouble at all deciding which was better. James had once told him that the

further you got along at Hogwarts, the better it was, and for the second time in a few weeks,

Albus was forced to agree.

It had been a beautiful sight to wake up to on the morning that their classes were to start,

helping himself to porridge and pumpkin juice, and by the time he received his schedule, he

was already elated. It was nearly identical to his previous schedule, the only frustrating bits

being that Potions class was still only held on Friday afternoons, and that it was with the


The teachers aided in his new found love of the school, providing him with class work that,

though hard, could hardly be called unenjoyable. Professor Bellinger was teaching them

transfiguration that was no longer refined to just similar objects. On the very first day, Albus

was given a balloon and an incantation. By the end of the lesson, he was supposed to be able

to present a shiny new red bicycle. He failed, but Professor Bellinger was quick to point out

that no one had succeeded, and that he had been one of the few to make his balloon turn a

different color.

Of all the classes that had improved however, Albus was pleased to say that Neville had

reworked his system over the summer. Gone were the days where Albus dreaded entering the

humid greenhouse to plant an abnormally smelly creature, or wear gloves to prevent himself

from being coated in acid. The majority of their classes consisted of the professor simply

giving demonstrations to the class, some more fun to watch than others. Though, as his

friends were quick to point out, Albus frequently watched other things in class.

"You're doing it again" Scorpius hissed.


Albus snapped his eyes away and forced himself to look at Professor Longbottom. He was

holding up a small green plant that appeared to be snoring. "When it wakes up" he said, "it

will be able to secrete venom that not only sedates its prey, but also makes it just a bit tastier

as well."

The class laughed, giving Albus enough time to ask Scorpius "Doing what?"

"Staring" he hissed back. "At them". He jerked his head to the left, where Eckley was passing

a note to Mirra.

"I wasn't staring" Albus hissed back.

"You were mate" Morrison whispered from beside Scorpius. "I saw it too."

"I glanced in their direction for a sec-"


Albus stared straight and saw that Neville was now staring at he and Scorpius. He had raised

his voice when talking to his friends.

"Sorry Professor Longbottom" he said.

Neville continued staring for a second before picking up another plant, this one light blue with

Albus Potter  and the Dragonfang Wand By:Vekin87-repostWhere stories live. Discover now