11 Bloody Words

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G pulled me closer as we walked to the dinning area. I had put Tori and Paps on cooking for now, with tori in charge of course. G gave my hand a small squeeze and i looked up a him. He gave me small smile and I smiled back. G opened his mouth to say something but before he could get anything out Undyne ran at us full force carrying a yellow blob under her arm. 

As the neared I realized that the yellow blob was Alphys. Undyne set her down and pushed her forward lightly. "T-There uh... There's.." She glanced back and forth nervously.

"There is someone at the cabin door!" Undyne cut in.

"Y-yes.. uh they are on the camera. They aren't s-seemingly dangerous. They are A-alone as well." She finishes and looks to the ground. I'm glad i put her in the Lab/security room immediately. 

"G go make sure everyone is in the dinning hall would you please?" I look over at him. He sighs and nods before walking off. I feel a pang of guilt as I watch him go. "Undyne... please make sure everyone stays in there" She nods as I turn and head for the stairs to the cabin.

As I reach the top I flip the light to the stairs off. As I enter the room i hear a knock. I let out a grumble and shout "Hold your horses i'm comin' IM COMIN'." I rush from the bedroom using my hands to mess my hair up. I was planning on using the 'I was sleeping' look to my advantage. I grab the handle of the front door and yank it open just as the stranger was about to knock again. 

"Yes? Can I help you?" I say letting a bit of annoyance leak into my tone.

"Are you Y/N?" The man asks looking at me questioningly.

"Yes, yes I am."

"Do you know where the monsters you were living with are?" He asks while studying my face for a reaction, that i didn't give him.

"No, I grabbed my shit this morning when that guy at the building told me what happened. Should have never trusted those.. those monsters!" I acted angry before scratching my head thoughtfully. "Would you like to come in and finish this conversation over some tea?"

"That would be great." He nodded. I turned and led him into the living room area. 

"Sorry about the uncleanliness, as soon as I got here I passed out in the room from the hike." I give him a smile as he nods understandingly.

"That alright." He sits and stretches his legs out as I leave to get the tea. "So why did you trust them in the first place?" 

"Well, they didn't seem to bad at first. I mean they were caring for a twelve year old." I say putting the water on to boil before heading back into the living room.

"Ah yes, Frisk. They will be returned to the orphanage when they are found." I hold back a cringe as he says this. Remembering all the stories Frisk has told me.

"Great, At least they will be safe" I add emphasis to the last word. He took it as i was meaning the monsters were dangerous and nodded. When really I was being sarcastic knowing that place was not safe at all. The Tea pot began to scream so i rushed to the kitchen to finish the tea.

"What were they like.. you know.. to live with?"

"Normal people." I grit my teeth getting tired of this man and his questions. I took a deep breath before returning to the living room with tea knowing that i had to keep the facade until he was gone. 

"You don't mind if I check the cabin for them do you?" 

My eyes flick up to his face as he asked me this."You don't trust me?" I ask quietly.

"No no. I do i just have to .. My boss.. It has nothing to do with you or I. He would just like to be positive. You see... we went to trap the rest of the monsters again and they had disappeared." He states turning his head to look around the room. As he does i notice the wire leading to his ear. He turns back as my eyes widen in shock. Again he misreads my reaction for shock of the monsters being gone."Its alright. When we find them we will kill them this time. No mercy." I nod and swallow hard. 

"A-alright then. You can look around but uh.. one more question." He looks at me as he stands. holding back all of the hate i want to bash his skull in with i let out a shaky breath. "Am i safe here?"

He nods and places a hand on my shoulder. "For now I suppose. but if things would escalate You would need to move to one of our bases." I nod  slowly as he walks away.

He comes back a few minutes later eyeing me suspiciously. "You said you were sleeping right?" I nod confused at his question. "The bed isn't touched" 

As he straightens his back to look bigger i nod. "I fell asleep on the couch. I was using the bathroom when you knocked" I said calmly. He relaxed at my words. He gave a small apologetic smile.

"Its Clear" He stated and walked out with a small nod. I wait a few minutes to make sure he is actually gone before heading back to the base.

I leave the light of as I reach the bottom. I jump as I feel arms snake around my waist. I turn slowly to see G was hugging me.  I sigh and rest my head on his shoulder before tensing again.

"THAT ASSHOLE DIDN'T EVEN DRINK HIS TEA!"I growl angrily as g chuckles at me.


(idk how many it stopped tracking it says 1 words)

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo that douche canoe didn't drink his damn tea but you're off the hook....


alright in done 


Kitten (-gaster!sans x reader-)Where stories live. Discover now