t w o

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K a r i n a h (Kari or Ri)
May 2nd, 2016
11:38 pm

I stepped out the shower and rubbed the towel over my body, drying myself off. I picked up my Cocoa Butter lotion and rubbed it all over my body.

I walked into my room and got a pair of  undies and slipped them on, walking into my huge walk in closet, picking out my black distressed crop top & some black tights, & my white converse.

I threw my hair in a slick ponytail and picked up my car keys and phone. Checking the time seeing it was 11:49 , I had to be to work by 12:15. I walked out the house locking the door behind me.

I hopped in my car, and attempted to back out of the driveway to be stopped by Trent.

I sighed.

He walked up to my window and I rolled it down.

" Damn, Tre. What the fuck do you want? Didn't we just talk on the phone? " I yelled.

" Damn, shawty. Calm yo ass down and step out the damn car. " he demanded.

"Nigga, who the fuck are you demanding shit? Definitely not my daddy." I sighed.

"You ain't say that last night when I was making that ass fatter, were you?" he licked his lips and looked me up and down.

"Nigga, quit lying on my coochie. You ain't hit this." I replied.

"Yet." he smirked.

"I'm going to run yo ass over if you don't move yo car, nigga!" I replied, stepping into the car.

he laughed & I rolled my eyes.

" Aight, whatever. " he hopped in his 2016 yellow Camaro and pulled off.

I drove right down the street to the club, and punched in right at 12:03 am.

I put my little bar tending apron on around my waist. I turned around and saw Kiyana. I gasped.

" Girl, you nearly scared the hell outta me!! " we walked over to the bar.

she was laughing. " What took you so long hoe? You usually here by 12 SHARP. " she said confident popping the " P "

" Too much, too much to explain sis. " we both laughed.

" Girl, we gone have kids around 30 and still working at this club, you with me sus? " she side eyed me and asked.

" I honestly don't even know, I had a plan to at-least be here for another year and I wanna move down to Houston with my family. " I revealed to her.

" Sis, we gotta stay together forever. " she replied, sounding disappointed.

" Yeah. I just really thought I would last being indep- " I tried to get out my last words before the DJ announced over the mic.

" WHATS GOING ON TONIGHT ATLANTA!? WE GOT TRIGGA TREY IN THE BUILDING, LET'S MAKE SOME NOISE IN HERE. " he announced, as the strippers began to fangirl and the men look agitated as the rest of the club screamed.

Most of the strippers began to crowd along the bar strip area, right before his security made everyone move away from him, out of all people this nigga come to me for a drink.

" Aye, ma. " he stated, licking his lips.

" I don't think my name is ma. That's probably why I have a name tag on my shirt. " I pointed and looked towards my tag while he chuckled.

" Aight, well Kari " he squinted at my tag

"Pour me a scotch, nothing special." He smirked.

I laughed.

"Anything for you." I replied sarcastically.

"How long you been working here?" he asked curiously.

"A good 2 1/2 years, it's basically home for me, shit Atlanta is. But I might give it another 6 months and I'll dip and start a new life somewhere else." I told him

"Damn, come start over with me." He told me seductively.

"Boy, I literally just met you like 3 minutes ago." I said handing him his liquor.

"Nah, I'm kidding." I chuckled.

"Well, it's nice to see you got a great head on ya shoulders." He added, as he gulped down his dark liquor and handed me a piece of paper.

"Preciate ya, ma." He told me, as he slid his glass with 2 $100 bills and walked away.

I unfolded the paper, to reveal that it was his phone number.

Last thing I knew was he went on stage to perform a good 3 songs, and he left the club.

I began to feel butterflies.

"Girl, what's wrong with you?" Kiyana asked, creeping behind me.

"Nothing girl." I replied wiping the counter.


6:34 am

When I got home, I emptied my purse, mainly full of tips. I ended up raking $1,350 in tips. I decided since I was so tired I was just going to take my shower in the morning.

I laid back on my bed, and took out the piece of paper Trey handed me in the club. I was contemplating calling him or not. There's nothing wrong with having male friends I thought to myself.

It rung two times before he picked up.

"Hello." I said into the phone innocently.

"Wassup, who is this?" He asked.

"Kari, from the clu-" I managed to get out.

"Oh shit, wassup baby." He chuckled.

I laughed.

"Nothing much, just got home from the club." I yawned.

"I must've been on your mind." He said

"Nah, I just saw the paper you handed me and I thought I'd give you a call." I replied.

"I know you tired right now, you wanna come over tomorrow and chill. My agenda is pretty empty for the first time in awhile." He suggested, as we both chuckled.

"Sure, that's fine. Goodnight, Trey." I replied.

"Goodnight, baby girl."

I hung up, and plug my phone into my charger, and went straight to sleep.


Hopefully another successful chapter! :))
Thanks for reading, new chapter in about a week or two!

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