A Week Prior

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Mae's POV

   " Alyson, Im going out"
"Ok babe, I'll see you later"
I pick up my leather jacket and keys from the chair beside the door. As I make my way to my bike I notice a piece of paper on the ground beside it.  I open the paper and it reads;
The girl or you. Make your choice by Friday night. Time is ticking...
Sadly I know exactly who left this, Lupo, the leader of my families mafia. Just when I thought everything was clearing up...
   No one knows, not even Alyson but I was raised in a wealthy and very cruel mafia. I escaped seven years ago when I was twelve. The lady that helped me escape was killed about a year after we escaped from New York to Colorado and I was then put into an adoption center. When I turned seventeen someone finally adopted me and I lived with my adopted family until last year when my girlfriend Alyson asked me to move in with her. I thought that by now the mafia would have stopped looking for me. I don't know why I'm so valuable to them, I was only the daughter of the co-lead. What importance could I have had? I didn't even talk to my dad after seeing and hearing all he's done. My mom was killed and no one wanted me around, so why am I so important to them now? How do they know about Alyson?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2017 ⏰

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