Gregor The Gruesome

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I hate Mondays! Starting planning for a project I was going to do with my students was going to be hard, I mean as not only was I now going to teach history I was teaching Heath class. Honestly! But this gives me the chance to do the baby project and I get to do more fun things!!

Anyway, that Monday had passed, today first thing I was doing a Heath class!!!

"Hi guys." I smiled enthusiastically,

"You can sit anywhere." I told the students as they stood around the room looking nervous. Three minuets later...

"Hi, my name is Doctor Harley Davidson." The class chuckled a bit,

"I'm going to be your Heath class teacher, as you can tell I am from England, and I also teach English history, I would for today like you all to team up with someone who's the opposite sex please?" I asked,

Half the class huffed with annoyance the other half moved towards their boyfriends.

"I would like you to do what I tell you before I team you up with someone you don't like." I warned,

All the class moved.

"Okay today I'm going to lay out the rules. I am a nice teacher and I will accept people once in a while having to do stuff and doing what helps you learn, but of it disrupts people's learning I will not tolerate it, also I will be here or around the site if anyone needs help in assignments, also if someone has a problem make it clear and I will try to sort it out. Do I make myself clear?"

The whole class nodded.

"Today I am going to start with a project, this will count for less then 1/7 of your grade but it is easy. I want you all to get to know your partner, not the partner you are with now, but the ones that the school have decided, to make a presentation on your partner. The partner you are with now will be your baby project partner." I smirked,

Everyone's faces fell,

"Okay so now after I read the list you are to start the project immediately and you will be dismissed, also the style you can do this in us endless, except for music as the head of music is being a bitch." I muttered under my breath.

Smiling I took a piece of paper out and sighed,

"Everyone had to sign their name next to their partner, if there are any fake names I doubt I will be happy." I smiled evilly,

"Anyway when I call your name come up here and I will give you your pass." I smiled.

"Angelica McDonald, Kai Vera..." I carried on from there, until all of my students had left.

Suddenly a knock sounded,

"Yes?" I asked opening the door,

"Hi, I'm Jay Huddleston, I'm in with you next period English history, I was wondering if I could wait in here. My Doctor says to trust new people is to get to know them properly." A little pixie like girl told me nervously,

"Well Jay, I'm Doctor Harley Davidson." I smiled,

"Cool, what is England like? I've always wanted to go." The nervous girl smiled,

"Well except for the smoking hot boys, it's quite wet and rainy, but in the villages people are nice." I smiled, as I connected my laptop to the smart board, immediately putting up a PowerPoint and then on a blank page I wrote Doctor Davison.

I picked my phone out of my pocket found my contacts list, found the right contact and dialled.

I put the phone to my ear, hearing it dialling.

Instantly it picked up,

"Hello? Yes it's me, about that offer..."

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