6:43 AM

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I woke up to the not-so-quiet tiptoeing of Xavier. "Sorry, I was trying to go without waking you guys up. I'm leaving to get our sandwiches from the deli, see ya in a few!" With a wave, he was off. Grace was also up and came into the house. She shut the door, without realizing that I was there and made her way to the bathroom. I got off the couch and went in the directing of a shouting Francesca. As I stood in the doorway, Francesca was yelling at Hope for saying something stupid and ridiculous, this was something that happened frequently. Hope was of course snickering to herself as Francesca freaked out.

Moments later, Grace ran in laughing. She hid behind me as a tired Henry trudged in. "Grace just shook me awake."

She smiled, "I told him it was 9:30 and that we were about to miss the train!" Everyone laughed while Henry playfully glared at Grace. Grace was the girl that always smiled. She could have been punched in the stomach and doubling over in pain and she'd still be smiling.

Francesca and Grace decided to go home to get dressed and ready to go, leaving Henry, Hope and I behind. Henry asked to take a shower and went upstairs as Xavier walked back in. He immediately went upstairs as well to put the sandwiches in the fridge.

Hope and I followed suit after a few minutes. Xavier and I had explained the dream she had to her, but she didn't remember a thing. When Henry got out of the shower, he joined us and we ate breakfast. Over bowls of cereal, we received a group text from Fran.

I think I might be constipated...-Fran

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