The science of the date

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A/N sorry about how disjointed the last one was. It was more a build up to this one.


The walk between the two was silent but not uncomfortable. The light spring breeze wasn't cold yet they stood close together. They'd mutually decided that it was indeed too early for dinner and so they settled for coffee and walking. Neither of the two knew what to say particularly, they were just enjoying the others presence.

"You know," Sherlock spoke suddenly, "I probably should ask you questions. Make sure you're not a psychopath and whatnot." He smiled down at her. She raised an eyebrow.

"Sherlock Holmes, worlds only consulting detective, smartest man in the public light. Arguably smartest man alive but even he won't say that's true, I'm guess that's why you hate your brother."
"Stop." Sherlock interrupted her. She looked up at him beaming, large brown eyes glittering. Sherlock stopped in the street and span round to be facing her. Clara was still beaming, she loved being clever and she rarely got to prove it. Sherlock was confused, he hadn't realised she had been deducing him. They looked at each other a while longer before eventually Sherlock matched her smile, "what exactly is you point?" He asked.
"My point," Clara explained," is that you don't need to ask me questions because you've got all the answers in front of you."

The two looked at each other once more before Sherlock let his eyes scan over the woman in front of him. "Clever, proud of it, observant, lonely, beautiful, never forgets Mary yet is rarely with her, why?"
"You missed that I'm a busy girl Sherlock" Clara explained. Sherlock didn't realise he had said it all out loud. Clara's smile changed to the previous mischievous one from before, "you think I'm beautiful?" She asked. Sherlock blushed.

Yes, Sherlock Holmes' cheeks showed but a spot of colour. Yet this brief spot was enough to be recognised as him blushing.

This spot of colour deepened however when Clara dared to go up onto her toes and kiss the corner of his mouth. Teasingly, like a test. Testing what he would do. What she should do. Where this was going.
Sherlock answered Clara's questions by slowly moving his hand up to brush her fringe from her face and allow his hand to cup her cheek. She leaned into his touch, closing her eyes simultaneously. Sherlock copied her latest action and slowly, gently, leaned into her. His mouth touching hers.

It only lasted a moment but with all the many things that were said in that kiss, it felt like it'd lasted forever.

They pulled away and their eyes met once more. Sherlock smiled down at the girl, his hand still holding her face. This smile not one of humour, or menace- his two more common smiles- but of emotions he felt quite rarely. Affection, calm, infatuation.
Clara returned with a smile of equal emotion and intent.

Neither one wanted to break the serenity of the moment though Clara was pulled into reality with a few sudden realisations. They were in public, they'd only just met, he was the best friend of her best friends to be husband. Her pulse quickened. Sherlock, feeling this, moves his hand from Clara immediately and stepped back. He coughed awkwardly and Clara shook her head.

"You had some uh," she stuttered, lost for words, "Um uh questions?" She finally finished.
Sherlock was confused for a moment but much more, disappointed. He nodded, "uh, yes." He began to continue walking. Clara by his side, sensing that she'd upset him, slipped her hand delicately into his and leant her head on his shoulder. He asked many questions to which Clara answered as honestly as she could without telling Sherlock the truth.

The light faded from the sky. Sherlock was still feeling discomfort from Clara's rejection to his action earlier and so thought of escorting her home and ending this whole affair when Clara said, "it's roughly an appropriate time for dinner now, don't you think?"
Sherlock looked down at her but she spun round to be standing in front of him. She went onto her toes to quickly kiss him again. He caught her with his arm round her waist and she put hers around his shoulders for balance. This kiss was longer, deeper, apologetic. Full of whole new emotions that neither would say aloud.

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