Chapter #1

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Liz (POV)

I woke up to my alarm going off. Time for work. I rolled out of bed and walked down the hall to the bathroom to take a cold shower to wake me up. I went back to my room and put on my pink converse shoes and my uniform. I get lexi and the twins up and head of to work. I get into my four wheel drive big black truck I named black beauty. Don't judge. Turning up the music to eleven and listening to Donavan's mix tape cd.

Lexi (POV)

I wake up to my annoying older sister, Liz. I mean I love her but she's sometimes annoying. Well anyway, I get up and head to the bathroom. I pull out my iPod and place it in the holder for the speakers I have in the bathroom, I put it on shuffle and Demons by imagine dragons comes on and I sing all the words. After I do all my showering needs I grab my robe and go to my walk in closet and put on a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, my black veil brides band t that I got from their concert, and grab some random socks cuz life's to short to match them lol. Now time for accessories. I go to my my "Wall of Fashion" and grab my black belt with chains and a necklace that had BVB sign on it. I grab my black van boots that go to my knees.

I look in the mirror to see how my masterpiece looks. I looked from my toes to my face. My hair and makeup needed to be done. I grab my brush and phone and run to the bathroom. Hair still wet, so I went to my special closet in the bathroom and grab the blow dryer. After my hair all fluffy and dry I automatically grab all my hair necessities like a hair straighter, the teasing brush, a comb, hair spray, and heat protector. I fixed my black and blue emo styled hair and put on light concealer and thick black eye liner before heading down the steps.

No suprise cat and krissy were already done and sitting at the island in the kitchen. "Took you long enough" cat sarcastically said as she stood up next to krissy. I examined there choice in out fit. They wore black converses, matching stockings cat had black and neon green strips while krissy had black and neon pink strips, a black fluffy tutu, similar tank tops cat in neon green and krissy in neon pink, they had their makeup done the exact same, similar jewelry, and their big emo hair look.

Cat (POV)

"Took you long enough!" I stated sarcastically as I stood next to my twin. Lexi observed our outfits for a few minutes before giving an approval nod and smiled.

"Ya ready to hit the road?" Lexi asked

"Yeah, just let me get my phone off the charger" krissy said ras she ran up the steps.

I nodded to Lexi then got my book bag and skateboard and headed for the porch. Lexi followed but left her board inside. Five minutes later krissy comes out the door and catches up to me.

"We should hurry up before Mikey comes out." I whispered so only krissy could here.

We exchanged looks with Lexi before she nodded and with that we took off down the street.

Lexi (POV)

"Ya all set ta go?" I asked as max ran out the door of his run down home.


His father asked me to walk max to school and back from now on instead of Mikey I don't know if he's pissed about it or revealed since he doesn't have to walk max to and from school.

"Are ya sure, cuz it looks like ya still in ya pjs."

"I'm ready. Today is pajama day. We get to bring a pillow and a blanket and wear our pajamas. And watch a mov-" he was cut off by Mikey.

"Stop rambling on like that." Mikey stared down to his younger brother "You sound like a girl."

Max was quite the rest of the walk. I took my usual route to the school so I could pick up Marie and her lil brother john.

Derricks (POV)

"Hey, um Mikey. I got to run inside to pick up someone. It'll only take a minute." Lexi stuttered as she tapped me on my shoulder behind me. I got mad because no one touches me ever. Yeah girls at school touch me but, it still bothers me.

"You got one minute." I grumbled.

She nodded and ran inside the three story bright yellow house. Little flowers guided the walk way up to the steps of the porch. 'Oh great she's got one of those prissy bobble heads for a friend. She'll probably be wearing a small skirt with a tight shirt.'

A little boy came down the steps about around max's age. Following him was Lexi.

"Can we go now?"

"One sec Marie is coming. She just has to grab her board."

"Board? Like a skateboard?"


We waited for five minutes before someone rushed through the door. I'm guessing it's The girl Lexi was talking about. She walked up to Lexi and gave her a hug then started walking next to her little we all walked to the elementary school I observed her outfit. She had black laced high heels, black skinny jeans, a studded belt but only put through one or two loops so one side hung down, she wore a black tank too with a picture on it( which I couldn't see much of it), and what appears to be a on oversized hoodie which seemed really comfortable. Her hair was done up like Alexis' but hers was raven black and had a few purple highlights teased up and she wore a thick dark headband. She had to of been tall since I'm six two and she was wearing five inch heels, but was only an inch shorter than me.

Before I knew it we were at the parking lot of the elementary school.

"Alright I'll come pick a little later than usual. Tay?" The girl told her younger brother.

"Tay, so like five to twenty minutes late?" The boy asked.

"Yup. I gotta take care of some unfinished business with some bobble head."

"Tay." The little boy hollered as he and max ran to the school. I turned to walk the other way when I noticed the girl wasn't moving. I asked Alexis why she still stood there.

"Why is she still standing there?"

"Hmm..oh. She waits till John is inside the school doors."

So that's why. And her little brothers name is john. I didn't bother asking what her name was. When the girl began walking Lexi took her board and went ahead of us riding in the middle of the street, every now and then she'll get out the way for any passing cars.

I slowed down my pace to match the girls steps. She didn't speak. I don't think she even noticed I was right next to her. She just looked around as if she was watching for someone. After a few minutes she finally looked at me. She seemed shocked at first. To could tell she was about to say something but changed her mind.


I walked slowly and watched to see if I could see him, but he was no where in sight. Good.

I looked over to my left and was shocked by what I saw. I thought Lexi was next to me, but instead it was Michael. I thought he'd already ditched us when we arrived at the elementary school. He didn't. I wonder why. I was going to ask him why but I changed my mind. After about ten minutes of walking in silence I made my way to Lexi who was talking to her boyfriend. Michael probably left when we got to the school so I didn't not her turning to see if he was still there.

Lexi rambled on about the weekend to Donavan. She rambles on a lot, but he doesn't mind. He thinks it's cute when she does it, but when he wants her to stop talking he'd lean over to her and kiss her on the lips. Usually works. I just stood there as always third wheeled again. Donavan's friends called him over, so he left and Lexi followed. I felt someone next to me. There shirt was touching my arm. I don't like being touched. I don't like hugs, high fives, handshakes,holding hands, anything that involves someone touching me. Everyone knows that. I guess you could say I'm an untouchable. I ignored whoever it was and went picked up my board and headed to my locker.

I still have twenty minutes before school starts, but I like to get to class early so I can listen to my music.

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