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|| Neena Rose Visser || 2 weeks later ||

"Babe i gotta go...hunter wants meeee" Brandon said with my body wrapped around him as he walked down the stairs

"Noooo" i whined laying my head on his chest

"Baby...ill bring you back some ice cream" he said grabbing my chin and kissing me

"Fineee" i said lowly and pouting

"Awwe, i love you princess...ill be back" he said pecking my lips

"K...i might go to the mall later anyway " i said jumping down

"Awwe i wanna goo" he said pouting

"sowwy...u gotta go see HUNTAAA" i said walking up the stairs

"Ughhh now i'm mad" i heard him say as i walked into OUR room

Yes...he moved back in 

" Babe" Brandon said coming into the closet i was now in and wrapping his arms around me

"Yes" i said continuing to look through my clothes

"I gotta go can i get a kiss" he said laying his head on my shoulder

"Of course" i said turning around and kissing him passionately

"I love you princess" he said kissing my nose

"I love you more" i said smiling up at him

"Ok let me go before i get distracted" he said kissing me again and walking downstairs and out the house

I got out a black sweater with a red logo on it, Black skinny jeans, a leather jacket, and black platform sneakers( at the top) . After i got out my outfit i got in the shower. When i got out the shower i put my hair in a ponytail with my bangs out. After i got dressed i did my makeup a bit dark.I packed a bag of extra clothes like always. Then i went downstairs and grabbed my keys and everything i needed before getting in the car and driving to Ariel's. I knocked on the door and Blake answered the door.

"Heyy Neenaaaaa" he screamed in my face

"HELLO THERE RICHARD!!" i yelled back pushing him into the house

"Wheres Ariell" i said sitting on the couch

"Upst-" i cut him off running up their long stairs and to their room

"Hey" i said plopping on their day bed before wrapping my hair into a bun

"Heyyy...why arent you with brandon..." she said sitting up and putting her phone down

"Hunter wanted him for something" i said shrugging "I wanted to come see if you wanted to go to the mall with me" i said while taking a selfie

"Ok lemme get dressed..." she said getting up and going into her closet

"OK!..ill be in your kitchen" i said laughing when i heard her laugh too

I walked downstairs to see...brandon...talking to blake. When blake saw me he motioned with his eyes to hide so i hid behind a chair just sitting there lowkey listening to their conversation.

"Are you listening...i wanna propose soon bro..."i heard brandon say making me scream inside

"Well when is soon" blake questioned glimpsing at me

"Idk yet but sometime this month...i know we just got back together but...i love her and weve been together for 3 years and i feel like she makes me the happiest" he said making me hold my heart while looking at them

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