Subliminal Messages?

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"i Love you." I told Chris. He was at the music studio recording new singles for his side band EATMEWHILEIMHOT. That guy can scream like the devil! He asked me if I wanted to go but i felt like I follow him around to much. Plus I dont really want to fly out to Sacramento but Sam did. So they went and I just have this big ol' to myself. Theyll only be gone 3 days. What to do? I thought...

I decided to just go to the mall and glance around. Probably buy a few things. I got up to get dress and played Bohemion Rhapsody while doing it. I put on some jean kapris and a green, red, yellow, & black striped shirt, with red vans. I left the house around 5 p.m.

* * *

"Welcome to Hot Topic. We have all the clothes on Clearance, 75% off." I smiled innocently to the worker. Since it was spring and summer was coming soon, I thought I should get a swim suit. I searched thru the racks, nodding along to the The Strokes.

"Do you need any help?"

"No. Im fine." I said not looking at him.

"Wait. Arent Christofer Drews girlfriend?" I turned and looked at Chris #2.

"Oh, hey! Its Tori."

"Sorry. Tori. Back again, huh?"

"Yeah. Just hanging out."

"Cool. So wheres your boyfriend?" He asked.

"Why so curious?" I joked.

"Im sorry. I didnt mean-"

"Im kidding! Hes in Sacramento recording some new songs."

"Oh. How come you didnt go?"

"Didnt really want to."

"What!? Theres like famous people and food!"

"Hey food sounds really good right now." I thought as my stomach rumbled. A veggie burrito Popped into my head.

"Well, I just got off & I was headed to V-Boy to get something to eat. Want to go?"

"V-Boy?" I asked.

"Its this restaraunt where all this great vegan/veggie food is. Its really good."

"Sounds great."

"Yeah. We all should go." Said a unfamiliar voice. I turned around to face a girl. She had bright blue died hair, snakebite, a bridge.

"Hey.... Amber." Said Christofer. She stared me down & I waved nervously at her.

"Amber this is Tori. Tori this is Amber... My friend."

"Hi." I told her. She gave me a nasty smile.

"So are we going to eat or what?" She snapped.

"Yes. Tori do y-"

"Actually I have somewhere to be. Nice meeting you... Ashely?" I said just to piss her off.

"Its Amber."

"Right." I dragged. I turned to leave but Christofer stopped me.

"Wait. Text me later?"

"Sure. Why not?" I said while we exchanged numbers.

"See ya later." He said.

"Alright. Bye bye Anna." I said to Amber. I saw her face turn bright red.

* * *

Chris POV

"I miss my girlfriend!" I screamed into the mic. My friend Tom laughed as he fixxed the echo in my head set. I was in Sac. , in the studio working on some new songs for EMWIH. We were almost finished with the first song & I decided to do a secret show in Vans shoe store so this should be fun.

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