Never Stop Growing

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Each day of our life is a new beggining. We may encounter many challenges and difficulties that will test us become better peron. Facing trials , there is one word that changes your life until you realize that you are starting to "grow". People around us may have a great influence on us. Find positive people who will encourage us to grow. After knowing our Purpose and Plan in changing our lives, it is time for us to practice it. Choose to grow rather than staying where we are. We must also believe that we can grow.Let us not limit ourselves then aim to be the best that we can be.Let us also remember the trees that grow slow bear the best fruit. It takes time to grow so don't lose heart if you still haven't become the person you want to be. 

"Practice makes perfect." It is true because we need to work to become successful. Practice is what will fuel our purpose and plan so that things we wanted will enter into the start mode. Once we already jumpstart, let us try to be the best person. If we are a student, be the best student as much as possible. It is our choice to climb the various mointans in life or to be left behind. We experience climbing small mountains, then a little higher mountain before an very high and huge mountain. It's like catching a small fish first before a larger one. Many of us try to catch a big one without perfecting the basics. If you do, more big problems will come.

Let us choose, Excuse or Execute? Here's the fact, we have many plans in our lives but they remain as plans because we always find excuses not to persue them. Execution is key to success. There are three principles of execution. First is Just Start. Don't wait timing or conditions before you execute. Second is Start Small. Where you start small, you make small mistakes. Lastly, is to Start Again. Don't stop moving. Despite of apprehensions or physical appearance, we should try it out  to succeed. 

Becoming a better person in your own eyes is a whole-life project, and thus you should focus your step-by-step efforts on multiple areas of your existence.

Changing oneselfTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon