Mystery text

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August asked honey if she wanted to chill after school she agreed.... then she was halfway sleep and phone vibrated.

*End of Recap*

Honey POV

who tf is texting me!

Text Convo

???: Beware bitch!!!!

Honey: who tf is this?!?!?

???: don't worry about it hoe!

Honey: bitch I'll bust a cap in yo ass and tell ya mamma I did at yo Mutherfuckin funeral!!

End of text convo







Later at honey house💋💋😍😍😘😘

August POV

she so beautiful only if she knew how I feel!😍 we too close now!

Honey- Auggy stop lookin at me like it uncomfortable!

August- my bad honey bee!

Honey- I'll be back I'm going get out these clothes

August- k

End of August POV

Honey went upstairs and left august there thinkin

Honey POV

As I walked up stairs I felt his eyes in me! why has he been starin at lately? he want something to stare at I'll give him something!😏

I went up stairs stripped to my underwear and put in a nike✔️ sports bra and some booty shorts and put my hair in a messy bun and put on my Oreo Jordan's.!

End of Honey POV

I went down stairs and in the kitchen I seen his hungry ass eatin a sandwich.

Then all his attention turned to me. I went and sat across from him and he continued to eat his sandwich while I stared at him. then he looked and noticed I was looking so he stared back. we was just starin then.......

Then what?????

What happened

Who text her???

Is she in trouble???





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