Coming From L.A... Chapter 1

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( Hey guys just to let you know my birthday is August 27 *hint hint* jk. So is the character Kylie's. ILY ALL!! Enjoy my second book)

My name is Kylie. I am your average teen girl but 7 hours a day i am some goth bitch that oushes anyone in her way. Anyway i know what your thiking what the hell is wrong with her my answer is: life. Well this is how my life in high school began 3 years ago it was August around my birthday. He turned my world upside down. He was my last chance.... his name Jc.


"So Ky do you have anything planned for this weekend" Liz asked in the most giggly way. she was planning something i could tell.

"Nothing really" i try to sound dissapointed but my voice deceives me. I am glad i dont have anyhting planned for this weekend. This is the first weekend in 2 months that i wasnt busy with homework or my job or something with the family came up and i had to go back to L.A. 

'" Well...... now you do" she giggles one more time.... i swear i will beat her with a rock.

" What do you mean" i raised my eyebrow at her

"I got us a double date" she squealed in the middle of our living room. Yes we live toghether and we have since the beginning of high school with my older brother Kian

"With who might i ask" i said with sarcasm

"These really cute new seniors i think you have a class with one"



I ran back to my room put on my bracelets, lipstick, grabbed a black quarter sleeve t-shirt that was low neck exposing a bit of clevage but i didnt care, my american eagle jeans which are really skinny but not tight, amd threw on my black and white jordans, grabbed my i-phone with a panda on it and shoved it in my back pocket. I grabbed my bag and threw it over my shoulder and ran as fast as i could down the stairs where Kian, Liz were waiting for me. I looked at them both and nodded my head in approval. Kian grabbed his car keys and we all ran out the door into the garage to jump into his red camaro.


When we get to school the first period bell rings and we all run to our classes i have art but my teacher is cool and just says if it happens again she will beat me with her left flip flop. As i walk to my table which is normally just me, Brian, Justin. There is a fourth person there sitting on MY stool his back is towards me and everyone stops and looks at me as i walk up to him and tap him on his shoiulder he turns around and looks me in the eye....

"KY!" he yells wait i remeber that voice it was...

"TYSON!" i yelled and he jumped out of his i mean my seat and hugged me i hugged him back. He was my best friend back in L.A. we did everything toghether and i mean EVERYTHING. Our families went on vacation toghether, we went out almost every single night, and he lived right next door so he would spend the night then go to his house the next morning and get dressed then we would walk to school. He let go of me and stepped back.

" You look...."

"Different" i say

" No you look good" he says finishing his sentence

"oh well thanks and you dont look so bad yourself" i say adding a little smile at the end

I just realized that everyone was staring at us with shocked looks on their faces. I turned around and gave them all a dirty look they stopped looking at us and they turned back to whatever they were doing and me and Tyson sat back down but i sat in my stool. We both laughed the entire period. When the second period bell rang Tyson and I grabbed our stuff and walked into the flooded hallway.

" Hey Ty can i see your schedule for a sec" i ask polietly. Ugh. What is wrong with me... oh right i forgot my childhood best friend is here thats why.

"Sure let me get it out" 

"kk" KK?What the hell i have never said that before except when i am around him this might be a long school year but i will enjoy it with him here.

"Here ya go Ky" he hands me his schedule.... we have 4 classes

"Really we do??!!!!!" he asked excitedly

"You said it out loud by the way"

"Okay cause i thought you could read my mind" i say sarcasstically 

"Or can i???" he brings two fingers to his forehead and the other hand covers my face

"I can read your mind!!!" he says excitedly

"what am i thinking then"

"that i am awesome" 

"no my bestfriend is a total nutjob AND we both are awesome" he sorta pouts at the first part then we split ways we have all odd classes how odd?!? ba-dum-crash hahahahaha.

Next class is READING the most boring subject ever but it looks like we have a sub so i slip in quietly but am spotted by substitute and a boy [eeks from beside her and smiles i return the gesture awkwardly and take my seat in the front row of the classroom. The new guy looks kinda cute wait a minute i know exactly who that is.


"Yep thats me nice to see you to Ky" he sarcasstically states and takes the seat next to me god i thought i got rid of him when we broke up back in L.A.



Hey guys so this is my second book on wattpad and i finally got my computer fixed i am so happy. I was getting sick of typing my other book Life or Love on my tablet. I hope you all LOVE this book and my other one ILY all!! <3 Don't forget to:

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