Chapter 4

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A/N- Hey guys i am really sorry for my lack of updates this week school has been a pain in the ass so have some people there but anyway i am going to do a double update this week to try and make up for it ILY!! <3


 He is laughing as i puch and kick him all the way to the car."Thanks Kian" Liz says proudly and smiles as she gets in the car and we back out of the driveway. We drive for what feels like an hour and we finally end up in front of the mall "Oh god please please please pleaseeee let this not be happening let it be a nightmare" Liz laughs

The whole car ride is quiet i am so pissed off at Kian for being on her side but at the same time i cant help the smlie that plays on my face or the giddy feeling i have inside.

30 minutes later

When we get to the mall Liz suggests to go in a million stores but i suggets we get the dress and get out. So we go into this store and as soon as we step inside it i hear the song Sweater Weather by The Neghbourhood playing and i quietly sing to myself and look around. The walls are concrete and plain with some grafiti explosions every now and then on the wall. I walk over to the dresses and I smile as i pick up 4 dresses that are all my style. I find Liz by the shoes ( of course) then show her my dress options and she tell me to try them all on and show her each one. 

The first dress is a dark purple and stops mid thigh it is starpless and ruffly at the top and has a thick band of silk right on the waist of it. I put it on and walk out to show Liz she gasps then tells me to turn around. She says no because it seems that it would be better if me and some friends from school (not that i have many anyways) to go out for what she calls 'girls night out'. I puff out my cheeks and sigh as i walk back into the fitting stall and strip out of that dress and try on the next one. The second one is and off white strapless dress that is lace with a silk material underneath and comes down to my knees. I walk out and Liz stares at me and says it looks like something for a wedding. I huff and walk back to try on the third dress. It is black ( my kind of color). It goes right under my ass (sorry...butt), spaghetti strapped and is pure gold netting at the top that goes down a few inches and it has pure black netting that shows the skin right under my rib cage. I step out to show Liz.. but she isnt there so i poke my head around the corner and she is talking to someone.. i squint trying to see who it is but i cant tell by the back of their head but i definately know its a guy. I wave my hands around and she finally notices and she gasps and the guy turns around i gasp before he can see me and trun around and hide behind the corner. She was talking to Jc. I peek back around to see if she is coming and i almost bump into her.

"What the hell was that!" i whisper shout

"I was talking to Jc and he wanted to know who was coming with me tonight but i wouldnt let him know so you are okay cause i didnt tell him" she steps back to look at me " then again he may have the wind knocked out of him if he sees you in that" i furrow my eyebrows in confusion. She looks at me one more time and says something i finally understand "approved" she says with a huge smile on her face. I return the smile.

I take the dress off when i get back into the fitting room and get back into my normal clothes and we continue to look around the store for shoes but i dont want any because i already know what shose i am going to wear. 

3 hours later

We get back to the house and i immediately hang up my dress in my closet. After that i walk back out to the kitchen and Kian is cooking chicken and dumplings my favorite. He is probably trying to apologize after what he did to me and not backing me up and throwing me in the car with my lunatic of a best friend. Dinner is eaten in silence not a bad silence more of like a tired silence which is peaceful. I finish my food and head to my room and change into a tank top and shorts and turn my radio on and slip under the thick blankets on my bed and fall fast asleep.

Saturday Morning....

The week flew by and it was the same old routine this morning but today was special tonight was me and Liz's double date with Jc and his mysterious friend. I wonder why she wouldnt tell me who it was but i dont think she even knows yet but oh well. 

The day flys by a little to quickly for my liking but that is because i am really nervous about tonight. I put on the dress and decide to curl my hair. Then for my make up i put on my usual winged eye liner a little bit of mascara and a light grey eye shadow and a soft pink lip gloss. When i finish i step back and look into the long mirrors that are my closet doors and admire my work. I wait for Liz to come to my room so i pull out a book and read. I am halfway through a chapter and Liz comes in and squeals which tells me she is really excited. We walk downstairs and wait for Jc and his friend to come pick us up. But my brother failed to mention that my friends Brian, Jason were coming over. I heard Jason and Brian take a sharp breath of air inbetween their teeth. I felt my face get so warm i thought it was going to melt off. But luckily Liz saved me. "hey back off guys tonight she is taken" she says sarcastically with a wide grin on her face. The boys look at me pouting and i laugh at their expressions then i hear a soft and gentle knock at the door. "Saved by the knock" i say laughing awkwardly heading towards the door.

I open the door to Jc and he was about to say something but then he looked me up and down. "Close your mouth dear you'll catch flys" i say gently patting his cheek with a grin on my face. He starts to turn strawberry red and i start laughing and then i excuse myself to get Liz who is inside getting her phone and clutch off the coffee table in our living room. I call her name and she walks out of the house behind me. As the three of us walk to the cherry red viper i see someone sitting in the backseat. He must be Liz's date. As we get closer to the car i see the worlds biggest stalker grinning at me and looking me up and down. Kendrick?!?! Why him? How did he and Jc know each other already? "Kendrick!!!" Liz squealed as he climed out of the car and hugging her tightly. I glared at him as he smiled at me over her shoulder. "well we should get going" Jc said interrupting Kendrick and Liz's embrace which was kind of pathetic if you ask me. Did Jc know i was coming. As we all get in the car Jc and me sit in the front and Liz and Kendrick sit in the back. I almost vomited at how they were acting towards each other i rolled my eyes as Kendrick cooed to Liz " i love you" and she started blushing like a full on forest fire red. I scoffed and looked out of the window. Jc furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and glanced over at me. I gave him a reassuring smile he smiled back but his dimples were really deep and that was sexy as hell to me. I started blushing not knowing how long i had been staring at him. I asked if i could turn on the radio and a song i knew immdiately came on. Fallen Angels by Black Veil Brides. I smiled and sang quietly to myself and i realized i wasnt the only one singing not including the band but i turned my head just so i could see Jc out of the corner of my eye he was singing too. I giggled and Jc turned down the radio and i pouted and told him to turn it back up but he wouldnt until i told him why i was laughing but he eventually gave in letting me turn the volume back up and another good song came on that me and Kendrick knew all too well. It was In the end by linkin park. All four of us were laughing at Jc's attepmt to sing the song it was adorable. But when we got out of the car at our destitnation i said to Jc "do you have band aids?" he said " no why? why do you need them?" he looked concerned i had a serious look on my face as i said this to him but then it turned into a smile "my bleeding ears!!!" i exclaimed loudly laughing. He looked confused then he started to smile " hey was my singing that good!?!?!?!" he sounded excited." The complete opposite actually" i exclaim holding my sides which were hurting from how much i was laughing.

As soon as i noticed we were still in the parking lot i chimed up and said " can we get some food now i am hungry as hell". And Jc laughed at my comment and grabbed me by the waist and pulled me close to his side and then we walked inside.

A/N- Hey guys i am really sorry i have been SUPER busy and there has been a lot of drama going on in my life. I am sorry if this took so long so to make up for it i am going to update my other story Life or Love as well!! Ily all!! Enjoy.



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2014 ⏰

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