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I pushed open the door of Mr Gilinskys' class room, he was sitting at his desk, headphones in and typing away. I cough to get his attention but he doesn't notice and continues typing away. Even as I walk to his desk he doesn't notice a thing until i place my hand on his shoulder and he jumps.

"Jesus christ Trin!" He grunts, pulling his headphones off and furrowing his eyebrows together. I giggle,

"Sorry si- .. I mean, Mr Gilinsky. You were caught up in your work?" He shrugs it off and reaches into his desk, he pulls out an A4 folder, with my name on the front.

"Your old teacher left these folders of everyone's creative writing pieces, I've read your's Trinity, it's-" he raises his eyebrows and smiles, "It's outstanding. Have you ever thought about becoming a writer?" I smile a little, but it drops.

It's my lifelong dream to be a writer, but my parent's won't allow it. They told me it's an unstable future,

"An author?!" I remember my mother chuckling, "That's no job for an intelligent young lady, you're bound to have a successful career in medicine, Trinity. Don't be stupid"

"Trin?" Mr Gilinsky scowls, "Something the matter?" I shake my head, but my brown eyes lie and he can tell. He pulls up another chair to his desk and nods to sit down, I do, and he places his hand on my wrist.

"Tell me Trin, it's alright"

By now the tears are spilling out my eyes and small sobs escape my lips.

"It's my dream, my passion-" I cry, "But they won't let me, they told me they wouldn't pay for my college tuition unless I do medicine."

"Your parents?" He asks and I nod, he leans forward and cups my face in his hands. I bask in the feeling of his touch and I completely forget about Taylor all over again. His thumb wipes the tears from my eyes.

"Ignore them." he states, i shake my head,

"I can't, you don't understand. They'd kick me out. They'd - they'd abandon me" I whisper.

"I'll help you-,"


"I'll tutor you, get you to the complete top of your game and then you can apply for a scholarship. You're bound to get in." I smile,

"You'd do that for me?" He nods, placing his hand on my knee. His fingers graze upwards, slowly and teasingly.

"It'll mean spending a lot more time with me though?" His eyes lock on mine, begging for me to say yes, pleading and sad. He has lonely eyes, like a child alone in a playground searching for a friend.

"I don't mind," I smile softly, placing my hand on top of his, stopping it from moving any further.

"Just respect the fact I have a boyfriend, please?". His eyes flash with pain and rejection as he nods slowly.


"Thanks, Mr Gilinsky, it means a lot to me that someone actually cares"

"Please Trin, call me Jack."

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2017 ⏰

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