The Bleeding Earth

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Now, in a subzero wasteland a white bear turns his head towards the sickening crack of sheets of ice splitting. Little does any animal know about the calamity about tounfold that certainly didn't start nor will it end here. Just as thebear had done, so does a crow, craning its' head as the tree perched upon the cliff it should call it's home is threatened by thecrumbling face. It's roots reach out for safety, for stability, but,all they will reach is salt water.

A dog locks onto histarget, ignoring his sickening screams as the power plant burns. Menand women alike have taken drastic measures to reverse what they hadwrought. A young girl stares wide eyed as the crops her family hadworked so hard for are salted in a matter of days.

A young man haulssupplies onto his boat, not even glancing at the ever rising tides asthe water hisses at him and a couple looks out from their mountainperch, out of breath from their arduous climb and their reward is thesight of the Earth retiring under the waves.

A lone sycamore dies insilence as the blazing tides consume more than even the fiercestinferno could englut, it's once mighty stature faltering by the willof the Earth as it cries in agony.

A speck of dust losesit's spark, everything special about it extinguished. Now, it driftsalone, forever.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2017 ⏰

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