I joke and say "Guess what I'm Louis's sister" and "Louis is my brother" and "Do u know that Louis guy from that famous band one direction? Well he's my brother" to fool around. I never thought that it was true for a second but I was really really wrong. Because I'm being adopted by him, or was adopted by him because right now I'm crying with joy because I found my big brother and I get to leave this stupid Orphanage. Well the part where if you break curfew or leave without permission wich only the 10-18 year olds can do you get to go in the 'naughty'room. It has white walls and about 10 square feet. There is a small rubber ducky in the corner for younger kids I think. And now I get to leave. The downside is that I have to leave my friends.Oh well,ill ask later maybe Harry or Niall will adopt someone.

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