Chapter 1

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12 Months Ago

The bell woke me abruptly from my slumber. I heard myself snort softly as I jolted awake. I slowly opened my eyes, forgetting for a moment where I even was. My bleary gaze fell open rows and rows of books. Oh yeah. School. Suddenly a hand rested on my head and gently rustled my hair. I flinched and groaned.

"Come on Jas. Wake up! Final bell already rung. You're gonna miss your bus." Mischievous grey eyes met mine as looked up to glare at my friend.

"Five more minutes..." I swatted him away lazily as Alex attempted to push my chair away from the table. Another voice, a girl's, came from beside me.

"Give it up Alex. She's not going down without a fight." Ronnie teased. Despite myself I smirked from beneath my arms. Alex finally gave up. I did too as I stretched my arms out wide and let out a deep yawn. Pulling back the curtain of hair, I took in the sight of the new school library. The long cherry stained wood tables and towering shelves of books made the already large room seem endless. Alex grumbled as he return to the task of piling his countless school books into his bag.

"I can't believe they're already giving the freshmen homework. It's the first day!" I too felt his pain as my own bag weighed down my shoulders. But that's what happens when you go to a school like Sharpton. Sharpton Private School was one of the most expensive and prestigious school in California, if not the whole country. One had to be either rich or a genius to qualify. I truly didn't know quiet which category I belonged to. I'd like to think my above average grades and hard work brought me to receive my acceptance letter for middle school, but when you're the daughter of a fashion empress and a famous journalist, suspicions rise. Nevertheless, I was glad to be there, even if the elite snobbery got on my nerves. Not Ronnie though. I looked at my friend as we left the library and began walking down a cavernous hallway.

Her pixie cut blonde hair and dazzling green eyes coupled with her short stature made her seem like a real-life little fairy. But her thick framed glasses and bold red streaks gave away her true nature. Veronica Harris never really fit into the life she was brought up in. She preferred playing with computers and codes to the red carpets her actress mother walked on any day of the week. Naturally we had gravitated towards each other from the moment we met. She had also worked incredibly hard to be accepted into the school for her academics since her mother had prefer that she stayed in New York with her. Ronnie really was smart enough to be here, but part of me always suspected she might have hacked her way in a little to at least increase her chances. I've asked and she's never denied. Roni and I were smart enough to be accepted, but the real genius among our little trio was Alex.

I don't think I've ever met anyone quite as smart as Alex. Which can be pretty awful because I've never met a bigger smart mouth either. Tall with stormy grey eyes and curly brown hair, Alex looked less like a genius and more like an all-star athlete. Even in the navy blue blazer and black slacks which served as the official school uniform. I noticed a group of popular girls pause in their conversation to cast lingering glances our way as we passed. Hushed whispers immediate followed. I rolled my eyes and knew without looking that Alex hadn't noticed. It seemed like half the girls at Sharpton were crushing on him. But Ronnie and I never really had to worry about our friend getting swept away by the glamourous girls of Sharpton Prep. Despite his high IQ, Alex seemed absolutely clueless when it came to dating. A yawn escaped my lips, cutting off my thoughts. My eyelids felt heavy. Before I knew it we were walking out the front door of the school. I almost didn't realize that Alex was still talking.

"...And then I...Yo, Jas. Are you feeling okay? You seem kind of spaced out." I shook myself awake to find both of my friends watching me with glints of concern in their eyes. I laughed it off.

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