Chapter 16

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**Ben's P.O.V**

"Christen?" I shake her. "Christen?!" I raise my voice slightly. My heart pounds fast as I grab out my phone and call 911.

"Hello what is your emergency?"

"I-I need and ambulance... My... My girlfriend, she fainted... And and she has had a massive amount of blood loss." I say sobbing. "Please hurry. 21 Mobian street." I hang up and take Christen to the living room.

"Christen don't worry the ambulance is on it's way. You will be just fine baby I swear." I kiss her forehead and tears gently roll off my face and onto hers. I wipe it off and start crying harder.

I hear the sirens outside and I go to the door opening it. Two paramedics with a gurney come in and lift her onto it. I run after them as they take her out of the house.

'She has to be okay. I-it's just a little blood loss.' I climb into the ambulance after they put her in and hold her hand as they are putting IV in her arm, a breathing mask looking think and they hook her to a heart monitor. She looks really pale and she is really cold.

I close my eyes for a moment. I was up almost all night keeping an eye on Christen. She had been crying since we gotten home.

I dozed off for about five minutes before i woke up because I had heard a loud beeping noise. My eyes open wide as I start to realize what that means.

"No..." Tears start streaming down my face again. "CHRISTEN?!" I tried to get to her but the third paramedic held me back. "No! Let me go! That's my girlfriend!" I scream through my sobs.

They get out the AED. They put the electrode patches on the front of her chest and the back. It takes several energy shocks. Throughout this time I am crying. This can't be happening. I hear the heart monitor start beeping again. Soon we arrive at the hospital. They take her out first and hurry into the hospital. I run after them. When they get to double doors I am being pulled back away.

"I am sorry sir but you will have to wait out here." A calm voice tells me. A man.

"No. I... I need to be with her." I say and wipe my tears. "She means the world to me. I need to know she is okay."

"Can you please tell me what happened?" He asks.

"She-... She was in the bathroom... The previous night we had been talking about what happened between her and her father. He had sexually and physically abused her. Then this morning she came out of the bathroom holding a blood stained towel. There was so much blood on it. She had cut herself." I look down. "And... And she just fainted a few minutes after..."

"Okay thank you sir. Please go sit down in the waiting area." He points to the area and I nod.


**The Next Day**

I had stayed all night. No sleep. No coffee. I have no energy. I just couldn't leave my baby girl here alone.

Apparently I had dozed off because someone coughed waking me up. I look up and it's the doctor.

"She is awake and ready for visitors." He kind of smiles. I bolt up and walk towards her room.

'Finally I get to see her.' They had said she was doing fine last night but she wasn't awake so I couldn't see her.

I walk into her room and she smiles at me. "Hello love." I say.

"Hi Ben." She blushes.

"How are you feeling?" I sit over on the side of her bed.

"Still a little light headed." She says and I brush hair out of her face.

"I'm sorry hon." I kiss her cheek. "Lay back down and get some rest."

"No. If I sleep you might leave me..." She looks down.

"I promise I won't sweetheart." I sit in the chair next to the bed and hold her hand as she falls asleep. She looks so peaceful. "Good night baby girl."

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