Please Don't Go

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As soon as I realised what he had done I ran and ran until I could no more. I just started walking until I heard footsteps behind me I thought it would be Chris but when I turned around I came face to face with teddy.

I looked deeply into his eyes and saw a different side of teddy. He felt guilty. He looked at me with pleading eyes as if he was saying please don't go. I was angry. Angrier than I had ever been before. I turned round and walked away.

"please don't go,please I need you to be on this trip with me what if something happens to you. U would hate myself if I left u all alone and someone hurt you. Please come back! " teddy blurted out getting quieter and quieter.
" teddy you hurt me and... " I started to speak until I remembered what Eyeball said
" never mind I'm coming " I said getting worried
" Olivia are you okay u seem worried?" teddy said go me as I quickly started walking
"I'm just scared Eyeball is gonna do something to me and you wouldn't be there to protect me! " I said.

After that I ran and hugged him I guess he knew I forgave him..... 😏

Why me? ~ Teddy Duchamp /Eyeball Chambers  Where stories live. Discover now