She waits...

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She waits.....
Waiting to see if anyone notices. Scratches down her arms, hair in a messy bun and wearing clothes she wore yesterday. Scratches from constantly scratching at her skin as she grows more and more insane, a prisoner in her own mind. Being so depressed not even wanting to brush her hair like she does every day. The weight of the brush feels like it's heavy enough to shatter bones. Go to work, come home and go to bed. There's no time to do things like laundry. Puffy tear stained eyes continue to look down as she walks into work following a pep talk she's given herself this entire time. Going into work she's greeted by her boss. 'Don't forget to smile' she tells herself. Clocks in and begins her day. A day filled with hope. Hope that no one notices, don't let anyone see it!
'They'll think you're a freak if you tell them anything other than you're ok! Don't do it! You'll regret it!!' Voices in her head continue on this path the entire day. Looking at the clock the count down has begun. Counting the milliseconds till she can go home and fall asleep. Praying she won't wake up. She tells her friend how she feels, continues to be told 'it'll be ok! You'll be fine!' Will this ever be true! Work is done for the day and now time to go home! Looking forward to this moment all day long. Driving as fast as she can to get home she sheds a tear and feels the depression rearing its ugly head like a dragon preparing to attack. She pulls into the driveway, turns the car off and breaks down in tears. 5 minutes....10 minutes.......30 minutes goes by still in tears sitting in the driveway. Wiping the tears away she fakes a smile then goes inside and instantly the dogs try to comfort her in her hour of need, following her every footstep they follow her to her room where her bed awaits. Tearing off every shred of clothing she jumps into bed where she knows it's safe and no one will be able to harm her mentally or physically. Dogs lay at her feet keeping her nightmares away and protect her through the night.
Feeling her eyelids getting heavy finally the voices have fallen asleep and no longer bugging her. Finally resting she falls asleep awaiting the new day hoping it'll be better than it was today.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2017 ⏰

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