— She wanted to know everything but there's something .... I don't know all the story about myself. Since I left home I tried to know more and more, but I found nothing.
What do you want to know.— My lips were pale while it pronounced that.—
I don't know what to ask, I just want to know how you discovered this aspect of yourself.— She said as her hands were getting entangled on my hair.—
Ok.— I take a big breath.— Long time ago, there was a couple living on the outsides of the city near a forest, they weren't scared about the fact that a lot of strange things would happen there. One day, the young man walked to the forest searching for some wood... It was gloomy, A place where for everyone is awful but for that guy it was stunning.
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You couldn't heard anything but the sound of the night until someone was crying... It was a baby. The man ran looking for that baby, and he could found her... A little blonde girl inside a hamper, with a note that was written, and it said "Hirai Momo". His heart was broken, he couldn't leave her on that sombre place, he came back home with her giving his wife a big surprise... but the real surprise was that she would turn their worst nightmare.
that baby was you?.— Her voice cracked.— Your own parents leave you in the middle of nowhere?.
Yes, it was me.— My look was lost.— I don't know anything about them, I don't why they did that. I tried so hard to know something about my biological parents but there's nothing, I couldn't found anything.
I can help you with that, but now I want to know why you left home if they adopted you it was because they wanted to care about you.— She rise her eyebrow.—
There are two reasons, even if I hadn't run away from home and had stayed with my parents, at this point they might be dead. I don't get old, Jeong. This will be my appeareance forever, I guess my destiny was written in that way, I mean, being alone.
You're not alone anymore.
I know that, and I feel happy for that.
How old are you?
Too old to be known.
Are you serious?
No, I'm 150 years, maybe more, I don't remember, I don't celebrate my birthday, it's awkward for me.
Wow, that's too much, but I still like you.
That's so nice of you.
And what's the other reason?
The discovered my condition in a bad ways.
What do you mean with "bad way"?
I unconsciously attacked my neighbor, I don't remember how, I remember the action, it disappointed me because I killed him. It wasn't my intention, I promise, but they watched everything, everyone movement, every bite, every insane stuff that I did.— I took a breath.—
It's not your fault, your didn't know it, right?.— She asked as her finger caressed my cheek.—
I knew it and it was my secret but I didn't know how to control my hunger.
Now I see, and what did they do?
They locked me in the basement, I tried to scape for years...until a day someone kidnapped mom and dad asked if I could find her... I loved her, so I did it with the condition that will set me free... And now, I took my own way.
Oh god, is an unexpected story about a beautiful girl, I'm proud of you and your ability to make thinks looks easy.
— I just give her a inaudible laugh.—
I love Hirai Momo, no matter what, You're not alone anymore, I'll be by your side, I promise.— She kissed my forehead.—
Thank you, Jeong.
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Sorry if I didn't upload this fic, but I was full of things.
Sorry if you see some grammatical errors.
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