Leo ending

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You and Leo went on to have a beautiful little girl. (Pic above). She is like Leo in some ways but you in others. If she loves something she won't hesitate to do whatever it takes to keep it. She was like you always wanting to leave and have freedom. She 's tried to run away but always failed. Riley (Leona's son) would always catch her. He loved her a little to much for them to just be cousins.

It was easier to leave and do things you wanted now that you and Leo were married. He would still always be outside with you just to make sure you didn't leave. It was rare to not have him by your side. Once, Wes had let it slip that Leo's name wasn't really Leo. It was Lucifer. You wanted to know why he changed it.

"Hey, Leo. Why did you change your name?" you asked him one day. "Reasons," he answered. "What reasons?" you asked. "It's none of your fucking business," he answered. "Please!" you begged. "NO!! NOW LEAVE IT THE FUCK ALONE!!!!" he shouted throwing a vase across the room nearly hitting your head. You became scared and started crying, running out of the room. Leo stared wide eyed. He nearly just killed one of the only people that made him happy.

You ran to your old room, slamming the door, and locking it. He never did anything like this and it scared you. You laid there crying, scared, and heartbroken. That's when someone knocked at the door. "(Y/n)... I am so so sorry... I shouldn't have freaked like that. I scared you and you probably hate me now... Is there any way I could make it up to you?" Leo apologized. You got up and opened the door glaring at him but you couldn't do it for long. He had been crying too.

"I don't know Leo," you answered bring your hand up to your head pushing back hair with a frustrated sigh. "Look all I wanted to know was why you changed your name. Why? I wouldn't have changed anything!" you exclaimed with anger and sadness lacing your voice. "I know but it's not important..." he stated looking down. "To you! I wanted to know but no! You threw a fucking vase and nearly killed me! Not important my ass! You wouldn't have tried to kill me than!" you shouted completely pissed.

"Because kids in school were asses! They always yelled run when seeing me! Priest would come to try and exercising me!! Everyone thought I was a demon because of my name!! That's why I changed it!!" he yelled and everything was silent. He was crying and you were staring at him wide eyed. You made him look up and kissed him. He kissed back wrapping his arms around your waist while you wrapped yours around his neck. It was a kiss full of want and need.

You pulled away pressing your foreheads together. "I love you. Your name doesn't matter. Your name doesn't make you who you are. It just helps identify a person," you whispered. "I love you too. Thank you," he whispered and kissed you again. You kissed back and it escalated.

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