Before starting this story I want to say..
A big thanks to my super fantastic Goob thanks so much for your help and pushing my ass to do these stories. (: You've supported me through the whole thing. I love you baby. <3 You're truly amazing.
Another thanks to my cousin, Brianna <3 She's the one who frist supported me in writing she's the one who got me writing actually without her I wouldn't have found my talent. :D
These two pushed me and pushed me to pick back up on my writings and such and got me out of countless writers' block. XD I love you guys! <3
Teen Fiction"And it begins..." Finally the Star Children are called upon and sent to the Heavens and things aren't looking so good...Each of them would rather go thier separte ways and do whatever it takes to return to thier normal lives back on Earth, but litt...