1: So it Begins...

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Remington's POV

"Hurry the fuck up! We aren't going to be late again because of you!"

"Okay fuck Jesus seb what crawled up your ass this morning?" I called back as I finished smudging out my eyeliner.

"My bet is a tiny gremlin is stuck up there causing him to become a cranky old bastard at the age of 24.." Emerson whispered in my ear as we left our hotel and made our way to our tour van.

That is if you can actually call a literal piece of garbage that catches on fire and breaks down 5 times a day a tour van.  Emerson and I climbed into the back seats, instantly putting in headphones to drown out the lecture we were about to receive from our older brother.

"Ello igits." Danny said as he opened the passenger door.

Samuel soon followed opening the back door and practically falling into the van.

"Rough night?" I said to Samuel laughing at the mess that lays before me. He groaned before falling asleep almost instantly.

~~~~~~~~~1 hour later~~~~~~~~~

I've always loved car rides. I love sitting in silence with my own thoughts. I love looking out the window and getting lost in the atmosphere. The boys hate the car rides but for me it's the only time on tour for "me time". Don't get me wrong tour is fucking amazing and I love every second of it. But everyone needs a break sometimes. For me the car rides are that break.

Emerson fell asleep within minutes of us leaving and Sebastian and Danny are sitting chatting quietly. Most of the boys are getting excited because their girlfriends are meeting them at tomorrow's show. Shy and Steph are staying together and Samuels girlfriend Amanda flew in yesterday night from LA to come see him. As much as I love seeing everyone so happy, I can't help but feel so utterly alone when their girlfriends are around. I love them and all, they are fucking great, but it sucks being the only single one. It just gets to me in times where I see how truly happy the boys are when they are with them.

Delaney's POV

"Hey boo."
"Hey hunny." I said as I answered my phone.
"I'm done work around 5:30 so I'll pick you up at 6pm alright?"
"Sounds good." I answered.
"Sweet, I'll text you when I'm on my way. Don't die, and don't get pregnant k?"
"No promises. Love you."
"Love you too."

I put my phone back in my pocket and made my way to the kitchen to find some food.

"Ahhh my lovely friend, my best friend, the love of my life, soul mate of you will." I said to my fridge as I opened the door.

Fuck, no food. As per usual. I guess I could order in? Or maybe I could go out? I'd have to leave the dark comfort of my house and emerge into the light of day which I haven't done in literal days. If it weren't for the constant music blaring I'm pretty sure my neighbours would assume I was dead.

I decided to go back upstairs and change into something that wasn't sweatpants and put on some makeup. I mean I gotta look good for my waking right?

I slipped on my black convers, grabbed my wallet and slipped out the door.

I figured In-&-Out was my best bet considering its cheap and I am literally poor. It is four o'clock now, and in-&-out is about a 25 minute walk. Should get there as back in perfect time for Ivy to pick me up. I'm going over to her house for the night because we're going to see Andy Black in concert tomorrow night.

I approached the in-&-out parking lot and was greeted by yelling coming from and white van and a trailer attached to the back. The yelling was followed by a man being practically thrown out of the van which led to him landing right on his ass. He stood up dusted himself off, and flipped of the people in the van before entering the in&out.

I walked in after him. He was wearing black leather pants and a large black hoodie with the hood up and sunglasses on. He's really fucking tall. I stood slightly behind him but a few feet away. I'm not gonna lie to you, he's pretty attractive from what I can see and I want a good view of what this guy has to offer. He took his sunglasses off discarding them on a table and then brought his hood down. Wow...he's so....perfect.

I look like a literal potato and this really fucking hot guy is standing in front of me a fuck. Okay be natural..natural. Umm lean on the table a bit, don't look like you're staring.

I put my hand down and the table putting most of my weight on my wrist and table expecting to look casual but I fucked up and misjudged where to put my hand. My hand rested to close to the edge causing the already untrustworthy table to come crashing down bringing me with it.

"Oh fuck!" I yelled as the table and I fell to the floor with a thud.

I noticed workers slipping out from behind the counter to come and help me. Someone grabbed my arm and helped me up holding me slightly in their arms but not invading my space. But when I looked up I wasn't greeted by an in&out and employee...the guy was the one who helped me..the one who is still holding me. He noticed my staring and quickly let go.

"Sorry.." he mumbled as he scratched the back of his head.

"For what?" I questioned.

He looked at the floor,"umm, I, uh, for creeping you out?" I tilted my head, "because I was still holding you after picking you up. Uh I'm uh, not sure why I did that. So I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize. It's fine don't worry about it. Thank you for helping me." I said as I felt a warm blush creep up my neck and onto my cheeks.

He smiled and nodded. "I'm Remington by the way."


"Nice to meet you Delaney. Looks like we have something in common." He said smiling but still looking at the floor.

"And what would that be kind sir?" I asked.

"Falling." He smirked.

[ hiya :) hope you enjoyed this first chapter! I don't really have a plan for this story yet, I just wanted to write a lighthearted lovey-dovey story:) so if you're up for some cute shit, keep reading. Bye lovely's, Xx]

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