Chapter One

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I wake up very sleepy, receiving no rest that night. My dream had me tossing and turning all night. I would probably spend all day pondering over it and completely zone out at school. But, no one would probably notice. They never notice me anyway.

I get out of bed, stretch, then head for the shower. Or should I say "community shower".

Yes, I Mercetie Wood Is an orphan. I know. SO shocking! Note the sarcasm. My parents died a very mysterious death when I was 3 years old. But, they didn't leave me all alone to venge for myself.

I walk down the grungy halls of the torn down place that I've grown to like. Or rather deal with. Life in the orphanage wasn't always easy. At first when you come, you think your future parents are about to walk through the door, ready to adopt you. Then, reality seeps in. After a while when someone in the lobby enters, you give it no ineterest. That mentality has grown on me and now it's just my life style.

I turn into another hallway and keep walking until I see the sign that says Girls' Public Washroom.

I walk in and head straight to the sinks so I can brush my teeth and wash my face. I look at the girls beside me. Lydia is on my right looking at her complexion.

She is obsessed with looking perfect. I had a conversation with her one time and she stated, "You can never be too poor to look perfect. You should try sometime." Of course when she said that I refrained myself from dragging her.

I look to my left to see one of our newer additions, Maria. She just got put here. From what I heard, her parents were in a plane crash coming back from a business trip. It most be hard for her. She lost them in a late part of her life. I had time to recover easily because i was 3 years old. She's sixteen, so I'm guessing it was a bigger blow. Still as I watch her, I can see her red shot eyes, probably from crying her eyes out the last night.

After I'm done I head to my room, well, "shared room." With five other girls.

Most of them are younger than me anyway. Sometimes i feeling like the big sister of the room. While I'm sixteen and in high school, all the other girls are ranging from 6th to 8th grade.

I smirk at Kara, one of the littler girls in the room sleeping sloppily, mouth open, drool dripping from her mouth.

After taking a moment to laugh, I get my bland, horrible clothes that the orphanage provided. "Overalls are SO last season."

I laugh again thinking about what Lydia said one time at dinner when she saw some girl walk in. Then, I quickly dismiss the thought and head back to the washroom.

While I'm approaching I here hushed voices coming from the front of the washroom. I quickly hide behind a decoration, which is by far, the most tackiest thing I've ever seen. I shake my head and give my full attention to the people talking.

No surprise, it's Lydia and her little friend Kimmy. They're probably gossiping about someone.

"Did you see the new girl? I think her name is Maria. Whatever. I had to hold back a laugh when I saw her!" Lydia said.

"I know! SOOO pathetic if you ask me. I even heard she was kinda wealthy too. It must be hard adjusting to this waste! Like, did you see her Trimble when she saw the shower? The girl needs to toughen up!" Kimmy replies.

I scowl. They're such horrible people. That girls parents just died and they're talking about her right out in the open! Do they not feel any remorse?! I feel myself begin to get angry. I feel a burning sensation insider. I calm down a tiny bit so something that can't be seen comes out. But, I can't stop myself from popping out of my hiding place and getting on their case.

"Shut up Lydia! You're just jealous that you're a little poor gold digger! And she's her cause she has to be! Your here because your parents thought you weren't good enough!"

I know I shouldn't have pulled that card. That was not the exact story. They just couldn't afford for an extra person, so they gave her up. I know I was way out of line but she was too and she needed a taste of her own medicine.

In a blink of an eye, even I didn't notice at first, Lydia lunged at me. I quickly shifted out of the way and crossed my arms and gave her a glare. That's something else I learned here. Don't back down or you're someone people can pick on. Also, keep in control if you're me. Or you might get in serious trouble.

"Honey, is that your only move cause I can stand here all day and juke you at. You ain't that fast. Or terrifying. I say looking her straight in the eye.

"You better be glad I don't want to get in trouble. But you keep my parents' names out of your mouth! Kimmy let's go!"

And with that, Lydia turned around to her dorm room with Kimmy close on her tracks.

After they leave, I finally remember why I came down here. I quickly resume my first mission. Take a shower. I quickly walk in the washroom and head for the showers. After waiting in line for a shower AND the dressing room I head to the cafeteria to have a quick breakfast before heading to school.

Of course, like usual, we have yucky gray oatmeal with a burnt piece of toast. People use to complain all the time about the food but then the cafeteria ladies got fed up and purpously didn't give those certain people food. After a few nights of starvingness, they shut up. I was never the one to say anything.

After I get my food, I sit alone at the far side not one wooden table. Even though I've been here for a long time, I really don't have any friends. I know a lot of people, I just don't like the idea of friends. Cause with friends comes a bond. And a bond comes with trust. And trust leads to secrets. Secrets I don't need to tell.

After I finish eating my nasty slop, I head back to my room. When i get there, I'm met by yelling and raucous. I walk in quickly to see what all the commotions about. My eyes Widen at the mess in our room. "Wasn't I here just a few minutes ago and the room was clean? And weren't they asleep?" I think to myself confused on how fast they can make a room dirty.

I sigh, when I see Autumn doing her routinely yelling at Kerra. I look at Kerra's frightened face. I don't get this. Autumn's only in I th grade and Kerra's in 6th grade. But, for some reason, I guess Autumn has the authority to yell at her since she's only like one year older than her. I sneaking to the back of the room to hear this yelling episode.

"Oh my gosh Kerra! You're such a slob! You need to get every single thing you put out of place back by the time I come back from the washroom or I'M going to make you sleep on the floor all next week!"

I step in before Autumn can finish her little threat speach.

"Hey! No one is sleeping on the floor if I have something to say about it! Autumn, stop bossing everybody around! You're not the oldest one in here, I am. So stop making empty threats. And Kerra, you're fine. Don't be late for school pick it all this up. I'll do it. Go get ready." I order. Being the oldest has it's perks I guess.


"No buts Autumn. Go and get ready." I point towards the door.

Autumn opens her mouth to say something then closes it while storming out of the room. But, Kerra is the exact opposite. She walks out with a grin on her face, glad to get out of cleaning.

Then, I quickly check to seem if anybody is near by son I can clean up the room. Once I'm sure no ones there, I focus my mind and raise my hands. Suddenly, the clothes on the floor rise off the floor and follow my hands to the clothes hampers.

Once all the clothes are in the hamper safely I retrieve my backpack and walk out the door.

Just simple telinescous. It only works on objects anyway. Besides, there's more power than it seems.

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