Rain! O rain!Glad to see you again!
With lots of water in drain!!!
You come to take away all pain!!
You came when I was in train!!Rain you are a blessing onearth!!
For you we are happy just like on the newones birth!!
On dry season there are lots of dirt!😞😞
You come to complete the work of your part!!!You sprinkle on the leaves and flower!!
You are also found on the top of the tower!!!
Sometimes you even show your power😲😲😲😲
I love to dance when you shower!Rain! O Rain! Please come soon again!!!!!
With lots of water in drains!!!
To take away all my pain,
Crazy in your love I have gone insane!!!!!
This was a silly and childish poem written by me on a rainy day!!!😅
Butterflies Of Thoughts.
PoetryThoughts nd butterflies both seem the same! Both of them fly where ever they want to go.The difference is that the butterflies are restricted inside the earth But the thoughts are free to move anywhere in the endless universe...