If We Were Blind...inspired!

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* feel free to ignore below, this is my brain storming page. You can go onto the prologue if you want.

Series Title: The Blind World

Book One: What My Eyes Cannot See

Basic Plot:

Someone decided that it would be better for society to become blind... in the most human way possible. I don't know how yet. But anyway... so the government purposely blinds people and if someone tries to get way they chase them down. Oh, a story teller is telling the story, by the way.

Why? Because there was something wrong with society, we used our eyes judge and not how someone acted. This way, people can only judge others one what they hear.

What we find? The people who are nice, stick together, and the people who are not don't... or realize and change. So the rude/hateful people get judge or helped, and the nice/non-discriminatory people are popular.

Soon they don't worry about what people wear etc...

For Clothes The Society provides them, so all the clothing stores go out of business... so people starting inventing or adpoting to the new way of life. By building side walks with lines, to direct you where to go... people have signs that have pop letters etc...

The only people that can see are the ones who are apart of the organization that makes people blind...

The have to reform schools... etc...  but all their other sense have improved...

The Problem: The Clothing companies that went out of business, are mad because they lost all their money! But isn't used anymore... somebodies home is suited to their liking without worry of cost... machines are the one making all the things so no worries about that.. (they do not become evil).

However the Clothing Companies are pissed because they like the feeling of being powerful and greedy. So they try to plan a way to gain back the power... in the unicest of ways...which gets them put in "jail"... which is the resulotion... I guess...

Anyway... I guess the main mini plot is...

the world is all blind, and this girl mets one of the workers who can see... the problem is... the company trying to take over.

I know this may not make sense right now... just give me time... let me know what to think!

The Girls Name: Echo

Guys: Close

The name of Clothing Company:  The Designer

Name of the society or order people to be blind: The WAB( We Are Blind)


Thanks, and thank you to "Haofei" and her poem called "If we Were Blind"!! Who inspired this... hopefully... this is original, so please don't still this!!:D

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