Chappie 4: First Class Prankster

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Chappie 4: First Class Prankster

I wαs mαd.

They woke me up too eαrly αnd now I'm up αnd running αround doing stuff. And whαt's more but I missed breαkfαst becαuse I got lost on my wαy to herbology.

Thinking hαrd on whαt to do to them for pαyback, I reαched the portrαit of the fαt lαdy.

"Plumpton" I muttered αs the fαt lαdy swung forwαrds αnd I climbed into the common room.

I still hαdn't thought up α genius ideα to teαch the Mαrαuders α lesson.

"Whαt took you so long?" αsked Sirius.

"Got lost. Do you hαve αny food?"


I groαned αnd pαtted my stomαch lovingly while muttering "don't worry little fellα" αnd "hαng in there, you cαn mαke it"

After fifteen minutes of thαt Jαmes stood up αnd told me to follow him. I did αnd we wαlked out the portrαit αnd down the super cool moving stαirs thαt were the mαin reαson I got lost.

"Jαmesy, where αre we going?" I αsked, prodding him.

"The kitchens"

I squeαled αnd rαn αheαd, forgetting I didn't know where it wαs before wαlking sheepishly bαck to Jαmes.

We wαlked down more stαircases until we were underground. It wαsn't like dungeons αnd wαs well lit αnd cosy.

We wαlked up to α pαinting of α fruit bowl. I looked αt it αnd stαrted tickling αll the fruits.

"How did you know? Asked Jαmes.

"Know whαt?" I replied, tickling a pear.

All of a sudden the pear turned into a door handle.

"Awesome" I breathed, turning it and walking into a giant room. It had four long tables down the middle and a raised platform on the opposite side of the entrance. It basically mimicked the grand hall above us.

House elves were rushing around, creaming plated and preparing more food.

"What can Hannah do for Master Potter and his lady friend?" a squeaky voice came from below my hips. A short house elf was looking up at my with huge, hazel eyes.

"Ah.. I'll have a chocolate éclair and lilly-ana...?"

"You can call me Tui if you want and I'll have a pavlova."

Hannah bowed and hurried off to get our food.

"What's a pavlova?" asked James

"The national dish of New Zealand. its delicious."

He nodded and we sat down at what would be the Gryffindor table.

Hannah and another cute house elf came over to us and set this dishes down.

"Is there anything else Hannah can get for Master potter and Miss Tui?"

"No, that will be it, thanks Hannah!"

She bowed and walked away while James looked at my pav.

"It looks like stale whipped cream with green stuff on top." He stated bluntly.

I stared at him with my 'Did you really just say that?' look and he shrugged sheepishly.

"That's because it basically is except instead of being stale its just coated in sugar, well, tasted like that. And the 'Green stuff' is Kiwifruit. Do you really know nothing about New Zealand?"

"I know its completely overrun with sheep."

I face-palmed

We finished eating and exited the kitchen, thanking Hannah.

I followed him back up to the common room, thinking hard. I had memorised the way to the kitchen now and had the starter of an idea.

"Accio S.S.P.B" I muttered and a small, thick book came quizzing through the air. I caught it and accioed a quill and ink.

"What's that?" asked Sirius

"Not that its any of your business but its my 'Super Secret Pranking Book'. Your punishment will come form here."

I opened it and James looked over my shoulder.

"Uhh... Tui? there's nothing in it!"

I smirked and said "Thats what you think."


"Alright class! settle down! yes, I'm talking to you mr Soreline. ok! I would like you all to get out your copy of '100 magical herbs and fungi' and flip to page 47, mandrakes! yes I know we have done them before but madam Pomfrey is low so put on some earmuffs and follow the instructions. Get into pairs. off you go now!"

I grabbed a pair of pink, fluffy earmuffs and put them on, all of a sudden it went eerily quiet. I was at unease because usually I'm surrounded by noise, wether I make it or not. Panicking, I hastily took them off before performing a echo charm I had read in one of my books. Then I hummed. People were giving me looks but you know what?

"I don't care!"

Wait, I said that aloud? Aww man! now it will be echoing through my earmuffs for the rest if the lesson!

I was about to put the earmuffs on when I heard a lot if sniggering coming from my left. I looked over to see a HufflePuff boy with short, blond hair standing on a chair, surrounded my a gaggle of admirers. Jealousy shot through my like a knife.

I must get revenge!

"The mandrakes are not yet adults although it still is very dangerous to hear them and not a task to be taken lightly." Professor Beetlebob glared at Soreline.

Smiling evilly to myself I bent down and picked up a twig from the greenhouse floor. I transfigured it to a very pointy needle and added any strengthening spells I could remember.

Carefully placing it between my middle and index fingers I walked over to where Soreline was standing. His earmuffs sat on the table, untouched. I stealthily picked them up, poking a small hole through the padding in the process.

I walked back to my spot next to James. He looked at me with an eyebrow raised but I just mouthed 'watch.'

Once Professor Beetlebop was sure everybody had their earmuffs on and could not hear a thing, well, except me who had a buzzing noise and 'I don't care!' banging through their eardrums, he signalled for us to start planting.

I pulled up a tuft of leaves to reveal a ugly, crying baby. Sneaking a peek at Soreline who was looking rather pale. I should be a Slytherin I'm so sneaky!

As the lesson continued everyone was too engrossed in trying to wrestle the squirming little buggers known as mandrake into pots that nobody, except me and James noticed Soreline topple over, his face as pale as a ghost. It was only until Beetlebop ended the lesson that a scream was heard as Austyn Johns discovered him slowly being pulled into a bush by long, slimy vines.

As we were walking down the corridor for next lesson Remus asked me:

"Do you really have to go pranking someone in your first lesson?"

"What can I say? I'm a first class prankster!"

Nobody laughed.


This chapter is dedicated to Meowmeow94 for sending in Austyn. Don't worry, we'll see more of her in the next chapter. Part 2 of Tui's mini pranking rampage.

Sorry for the wait in updating, I had... uhh... Gimme a moment to think up an excuse!

Thanks Kohana's!


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