2nd Ask

103 15 11

Violet_Wars Asked:

'I would like to ask you a question,
Why are you so great?
Like Jesus #Thiskiddoesdeservesanaward'

A cocky smirk fixed itself upon his face.

"Well obviously it's because of my hard work and dedication of being amongst the Top Ten." He bragged at that, crossing his arms, a glint in his eyes.

"I mean I'm in 6th Place, amongst the best." He smirked. "But being compared to this 'Jesus' person does seem like a honor." He laughed, not knowing who this 'Jesus' person is and humbled by that.

Some kind of well known athlete or something?

"At least I'm in the top five, Kirstein!" Eren hollered from the background, making Jean's eye twitch. His face darkening and contorting from the shadows.

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