Steve, go fuck yourself

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It's quiet on the Quinjet.

Everybody's tense, almost as if preparing for a battle that's already been lost.

Nobody knows what to expect from Tony. Is this a trick to get them out of Wakanda? Will they be meet with guns? Will Tony keep his word of getting their pardons? But most importantly, what will happen next?

Steve spends a good part of the flight clenching and unclenching his hands. Bucky sits next to him, staring blankly at the ceiling, Clint is nervously passing his arrow between his hands. Sam stands at ease, but prepared for an attack and Wanda watches Clint as he messes around with his arrows, while Natasha is in the cockpit no doubt fingering one of her knives. The only person on the Quinjet, who looks even remotely relaxed would be Scott, who at some point fell asleep and is now snoring.

"So, are we gonna talk about if Tony decides to attacks?" Clint asks "Cuz I would like to be prepared, you know?"

Steve shuts his eyes, why hadn't he thought of that before. Tony was probably still pissed about The Soldier killing his parents. If Tony attacked them while they were getting off the jet would they be able to defend themselves?

"We'll exit the jet by twos, Natasha first because she might be able to talk some sense into Tony." Yeah, he hadn't forgotten who she sided with first (and probably still did by the way she reacted with the new Accords).

"Bucky and I can go last." Maybe they could sneak away before Tony saw them and turned his repulsors on Bucky.

That would not go well for anyone.

Steve slowly opens his eyes, glancing at everyone here and he makes a decision.

"If Tony what you need to do to stop him."

The compartment is soon filled with all it's members nodding.

A voice, not FRIDAY, is heard overhead. "Destination will be be reached in T-minus 3 minutes and 45 seconds, prepare for landing."

Everybody is filled with tension again, but someone does shake Scott awake.

They'll find out the truth soon.


Tony isn't even out there when they land. But the people who stand in his place shock him.

Well, maybe not Rhodey but when did Thor and Bruce get back? Why were they with Tony?

"I can clearly see Stark isn't man to face the people he wronged. Hiding somewhere he can lick his wounds?" Clint cruelly states.

Rhodey glares at him, clearly unimpressed.

"Actually he was suppose to be here, but if I was him I wouldn't want to see your fugly faces either."

Clint growls. "Piss off, Iron Patriot."

Steve interrupts before it escalates. "We want to thank you for letting us come back to compound and the new Accords, Rhodey."

Now Rhodey turns his glare toward him. "Ok, listen up you dumb fuck." Steve winces "Don't call me Rhodey, only friends get to do that. It's Colonel Rhodes or Rhodes, call me anything else I'll cut off your damn balls. Also if it was up to me you wouldn't be back here, slumming it up. I'd leave in you in the streets to rot, thank god Tony ain't as heartless as me-" Scott snorts at this. "And also, if you think for a second you can just walk over Tony-"

"You're wrong." Bruce finishes for him.

The team stares at him shocked.

"Bruce, I'm not sure what Tony told you but-"

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