chapter 5 Amiley Gone

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we were in the room for hour's and we started to get hungry. But Tain got more hungry Then any of us.we all want to get out but for some reason Jasmine was looking at us but in a weird way.

Then I ask Jasmine this '' If  you are hungry rasie your hand'' everyone rasie there hand but Jasmine then I ask her if she was hungry and she said no. Then I ask her '' why are you not hungry and she said'' Because I all ready eat at my house'' then I said but we all eat at your house and you did not eat'' then JASMINE was sweating and the ligth started going on and off and it keep doing that and then it happen.

The ligth's went off for a very long time and then amiley started to screm and the light's went back on and she was stuck on the wall and she was bleeding on her haed and on her leg's and something was writen on the wall saying '' WHO"S NEXT"and we all started screm and went to the door and started bang on it.

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