A Terrible Mistake I Made

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At that he fell to the ground and started to grow in size losing his clothes and sprouting hair all over his body. A tail started to form out of his bottom and his face grew longer, she heard his bones cracking as his elbows and knees turned backwards. He had morphed into his true self, a black werewolf. He looked at her waiting for her to change to so she took off her clothes but underneath  her clothes was a stretchy suit that let her stay clothed all the time when she morphed. Haley crouched down on the floor and started to grow her back started to make weird cracking sounds and her elbows and knees started to too. She grew her hair out of her head and her hair wound around her and turned into magnificent white fur.

She was the white and he was the black and she was not liking it the way he snarleed at her and snapped at her she had to show him whose boss. She lunged at him and hit him dead in the center of his chest knocking him over across the hallway. Gavin got up as quickly as he fell and bit her scruff and threw her across the room. As Hailey hit the wall she right away felt a burn in her left ear. He had ripped a peice of her ear off and now it was bleeding. 

She saw him charging at her and before he hit her she lunged out of the way. He smashed into the wall leaving a dent and spun around to face her but he couln't see her.

"Where are you Haley?!" he snarled

"Right here Gavin." she said he looked up and there sitting in front of the mirror was Haley looking at herself

"Come down here now there is no time for looking in the mirror." he said

"You cut my ear!" she said as she jumped down and landed on Gavins head knocking his head on the floor. He yelped and stood up with a dizzy look in his eyes. The door to the cabin opend and the man in the black shirt came in he droped something and came between them.

"Stop! Who started it?!" he asked.Hailey looked around him at Gavin and he looked at him and snarled.

"You idiot! get out of it! Now Gavin!" he said as he threw a sheet on Gavin as Gavin started to morph back the hill under the sheet got smaller and less mean. Gavin got up and she looked away. Gavin pulled the sheet around him and walked to the bathroom Hailey morphed into herself. The man covered his eyes and She rolled hers.

"I am not naked." she said as she stood there the man uncovered his eyes and gasped.

"What is it?" she asked as he came  up to her and touched her bloody ear.

"Oh that. yah im ok. it is not that bad it dosn't even hurt." she lied her ear was burnig and he knew it to.

"Come with me." he said as he grabbed her wrist pulling her to the bathroom door. He knocked on the door and Gavin came out with a towle around his waist and he was all wet like he had just taken a shower or something.

"Yes?" Gavin asked as he never made eye contact with the man.

"Why?" He asked. He looked really really mad. Gavin shrugged.

"She asked for it."

"did not you started it you hairballo!"

"Whatever princess go in and have your all so perfect spa treatment!"

"Don't call me that! I am not a PRINCESS!!!"

"Hay! knock it off you two. please!" he said as he pushed Gavin out of the way and pushed Hailey into the bathroom. He shut the door behind him and she heard the lock click behind him. He walked over to her and kneeled infront of her.

"Let me take a look at that ear. ok?" he asked and she nodded and turned her head so that he can take a look at it. He looked at it for a while and she heard him click his tounge.

He walked over to the closet and pulled out a bunch of stuff like disinfecting wipes, q-tips, and a bandage. He took the bottle and opend it he also took a q-tip and dipped it in the bottle and rubbed it on my ear. When he was done he took out the bandages and taped her ear.

"Well that should do it. I am so sorry Gavin just gets out of hand sometimes but he is learning." he said as he put eveything away.

"By the way my name is Tomas but you may call me Tom." Tomas said as he lead her to the door.

" Why am I here?" she asked as she walked into the living room and sat down on a couch.

"I am not allowed to tell you." Tomas said as he sat down on the couch next to her. She felt weird as she got up and he grabed her arm.

"Where are you going?" He said as he looked into her eyes.

"I want to look around." she said. He let go of her arm and as she walked down the hall he cleared his throat. She turned around and faced him. He was still sitting on the couch were she left him.

"By the way do not go in my room please. It is my room with my stuff."He said as she nodded and cotinued down thew hall.

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