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Hey guys this has mild lemon but more fluff than lemon. Hope you like it! - Foxgirl and Captian Ship ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shiro walked through the castle ship and into the training room. He hadn't yet perfected his robot arm so he needed practice. Allura was already there. Shiro stopped and his heart beated a mile a minute. Shiro liked to cabll Allura his little princess warrior, she didn't know that. She would just think he is weird. He saw her white hair flowing from her head to her hips like a rushing river She is beautiful, Shiro told himself. He went up beside her, she looked at him with her usual smile and quickly went back to training. .
Ever since Shiro laid eyes on Allura he fell in love with her. But the question was. Did she feel the same way. She always smiled at him when he walked into a room, but, she did that to everyone. Shiro walked out of the training room and passed Keith in the hallway. He looked depressed, he always did. He is a very mysterious guy if you ask anyone. He keeps to himself. Some people even think of him as a bully. He teases Lance a lot but it is playful... sometimes. Keith's black hair covered the top of his eyes for this mysterious effect. Almost like he is staring at you all the time but you'll never know it. Lance sat in his room staring at the wall. He seemed confused, sad even. Lance does this pretty often. He and Keith are alike in so many ways. I'm surprised they aren't together. Allura walks up to me and looks me in the eye. Her eyes are hypnotizing me it feels like. She looks away and my "trance" breaks. She looks down at my hand she her soft, tan hands mold to mine. She looks back up at me and she says something in a light sweet voice. " Will you go out with me?" I look at her and stare for a second, her expression goes from hopeful and changes to sad. SHe lets go of my hand and starts to walk away. "Don't screw this up..." I shout at myself (In my head of course) and I chase after her. And I quickly say "Yes, yes I will." Her eyes widen and she wraps her arms around my neck. We stand there like that for about a minute and she lets go, laughs and walks off with a kiss being blown to me.