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And here (Y/n) thought this Monday morning was gonna be normal.

Right when the (H/c) had entered she was mobbed by grinning, squealing girls - they talked over one another as (Y/n) could barely make out what they were so chirpy about.

"Is it true you like that Katsuki boy?!" 

"I heard a rumor about how you two were childhood friends and now harbor feelings for one another!"

"Are you denying the fact that you like Katsuki?! Are you in love with him?!"

(Y/n) stiffened as a wave of heat washed over her, "Wh-what?! I do not!" 

Of course, this triggered more squealing and talking as she continued to turn every which way and deny every question, fact and information that they were spewing - (Y/n) only wanted to get to homeroom before she was late as her arms and uniform were tugged and yanked.

"C'mon! Don't deny!"

"Yeah! Tell the truth!"

(E/c) hues searched for any possible exits as she chewed her lip, (Y/n) nearly toppled over as a hard yank was sent through her left arm as a loud squeal collided into her ear - "WoAH SHI--!" 

"Just confess to him! I want to make these rumors come true!"

The (H/c) haired girl froze in place as her previous phrase died within her throat, 'Rumors?'  She thought.

Her mind repeated the single term over and over again until it clicked.

"There's rumors about me and Kacchan?!" 

Varied nods were sent her way as the female cried out - "WHAT?! WHO IN THE HELL STARTED THESE RUMORS?!" 

More yanks and tugs - more squealing and shared rumors.

(Y/n)'s heart collided with her ribcage as she stumbled forward breaking free of the mob after using her quirk - the grabby hands of the girls yanked around a false version of herself. 

"Goddammit! I'm gonna be late!" Her legs moved on their own as (Y/n)'s footfalls echoed through the hallway.

"CLASS 1-A" 

Her hand wretched open the door as a few sweat droplets beaded down (Y/n)'s temple, tiredly striding in and flopping into her seat (Y/n) immediately hunched over and smushed her cheek against the cold, wooden desk.

"(Y/n)-Chan? You look distressed this morning," There wasn't a visible pat on (Y/n)'s hand back she knew it was Toru.

The brunette locks of Ochako came into sight, (Y/n) puffed as a lock of her hair flew up.

Ochako blinked, "Are you okay? I mean normally your complaining about things like waking up early but you look disquiet about something, did something happen?" 

(Y/n) droned out as she blinked, "What a morning this has been for me." 

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