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Hey, guys!

So I'm sorry that I haven't updated my book in a while. I really am trying to make this book work and come up with ideas but it's pretty hard when I have like a billion things going through my head and worrying about a lot of things.

I promise I'm not gonna be like one of those authors who make a book, don't update for a while and then just give up on the book and never finish it.

I'm not gonna do that. But it will take me a bit to update and I hope you guys will be understanding and patient with me.

Now I definitely won't be able to update for a really long time. I don't know how long. Because one 

I'm going to Florida for a couple of months for the summer and two

On last day of school, I somehow lost my phone and it hasn't been found since. So unless it does show up somehow somewhere or until my sister can get me a new phone I can't do it.

Now I could be able to do it on my laptop but I can't because my internet is down so that's number three why I won't be updating.

The only reason why I'm able to do this is because I'm at my sister's house on her computer.

So ya until I either get my internet back up or somehow find my phone or get a new one it will be a long while until I update my book again. 

I really hope you guys can understand and be patient with me. 

Thanks I'll see you guys when I am able to.


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