Ending of Repetitive Lives

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     The man lives an everyday life. Wakes up early to work a day job, sometimes pulled into the night routine. One thing never changes about his circumstances; its always the same routine. Every singe day he would get up, brush his teeth, get dressed, head outside, go to work, come home, watch television, write reports. Every single day. He would hide behind the desguise of work to get away from what bothers him and his personal problems. The man fakes a smile from the moment he wakes up to when he closes his eyes at night.
      This man started slipping through the cracks. The man would notice every little thing he would do differently each day just to see what would happen. He had enough of the day to day he decided to sell his house and rent a motel room closer. But still the same routine. The man would get random outbursts of frustration and anger as a response to others not doing something correctly. He stopped shaving; he stopped waking up early and coming to work late, came to work with casual clothes. Everyone else started noticing the differences he had made. The little ticks that would set the man off like a match against red phosphorus on the side of the box where it came from.
     This one day when he went back to his motel room, his lock was busted. The door opened as simple as the wind pushing a leaf. His things were thrown everywhere across the room. Laugh, is what the man had done. Not angry or anything. Relieved to see a change in his daily routine.
     After repairs were made to his door, he had bought a gun in case another occurance had happened like this one. It was stored next to his bedside underneath the lamp he would use to help him wake up in the morning. Still lived the same routine. Everyone at his work would see the smile they saw on his face. But when he would get home, he would stare at the gun. The gun would be resting on the bedside and he would stare at his for hours until he went to sleep.
      This particular day, the man messed up on a presentation he was giving in front of his peers. People snickered and gave him piercing looks. He felt like the pressure and the intimidation of everyone's looks would kill him. He felt unbearable embarrassment when he went home just to cry for an hour. Then he looked at the bedside mantle. The barrel of the gun staring him down with persuasion and inviting him to pick it up. The man picked up this gun to stare at it, kiss the end of the barrel as he wraps his finger around the trigger. Just to let out one more tear as he lets all of the force from inside this hand-held contraption to make one loud bang before the lights in his eyes faded.
     His co-workers cried. Felt it was their faults for not recognizing his pain. Never being there for him, never supporting him. Thinking he was the happiest person on the world because he would keep all of the emotions inside, to never show them to the light of day. They all wanted to be there for him but never could see anything wrong. They all knew the compassion and care they had for him but never could tell him it.
         If there is any point in time you feel depressed, worthless, in need to fake a smile, remember this story.
         These are reasons to get help if you are in need of the care and showing of the ways people will support you.
                                                          Do not ever end your life over problems you have.
                                                 Seek the answers and solutions to the problems that bother you.
                                                            Everyone can be stuck in a problem like this one.
              Sometimes it feels you are trapped in the dark, a place with no light or no way out. But you are the only one who can create the light and find an exit to go towards a better future and the brightness and showing of others compassion. Please, receive help from therapists and people who truly care.

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