Ready Set... Red Carpet?

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A Few Months later...

"These twins are starting to get on my nerves, kicking me every five seconds. I can't even get this dress on all they want is some more food.", my mom said as we helped her get in the dress.

After we were finally able to zip up the dress I just put my hand on her belly to feel them kick. It was always cool to feel them kick but they would calm down when we do this. Well expect for her it's cool because they thought it was a game they were playing.

"Thank you Mani now go get dressed before my mom comes yelling in we are leaving", mom said.

I went to go put on my outfit which wasn't that hard thankfully and it was off to hair and make up. Everyone knows that this is the process that could last an eternity especially for red carpets. Especially today we were goimg for the most extra look ever to match the family.

This was my first red carpet with my family and it was very exciting. We kind of been practicing for the whole thing quite a while. They made me realized I don't know how to walk down the red carpet, let's say now I do.

"Normani do I look like a cool dad, cheesy dad, or not a dad", my dad asked.

"You look more like husband who joined his wife to an event. So not a dad in the best way possible, hopefully it makes sense. If not I can just explain it as cool dad", I said.

"Honest opinion that's all I could ask for, now I can tell Solange she's lying", he said.

"Auntie is a savage", I said.

"YOU GOT THAT RIGHT", she yelled.

"But wait till someone try to talk about Alan she won't let you at all, but because it's me she don't care", he said.

"No one talks about my man", she said coming into the room, "my sugar daddy is amazing who cares how old he is, he's hot"

"Alright you can go back to your man, we know he's old and you like him", dad responded.

"Y'all quit arguing about Solo's man it's a fact he is old leave it like that. Jay you ugly he's old it's all evened out okay", my mom said and they stood silent.

I laughed a bit as they both walked away awkwardly to their own spots.

"Shut them both up at the same time", I said.

"Mhm they grown but don't act grown, it's annoying at some point. Y'all better not say anything, you know what I do" she said.

"Everyone almost ready we got to get going soon", grandma Tina said.

"I'm ready Grandma look at my dress", Blue said spinning around.

"One last touch and I'm good", I said.

"Somebody help me get out of this chair and we can get going", my mom said.

"Give me five minutes", aunt Solange said.

"Mani... Jay come help me get up", my mom said.

We quickly went and helped her out of the chair, she wasn't that big she was just lazy. Once she stood up we all kind of lined up to head out the the read carpet. It was a little nerve racking I was seeing some of the celebrities past by.

We just went with the flow all of us joined up for the picture, thankfully there were no interviews. The pictures were enough and nobody needed to be asked fifty billion questions. I should say the reporter were more chill here, credit to grandma Knowles.

Then the actual event started it was also pretty cool awards were given out. The show was not super duper long or boring and it was pretty entertaining and I was star struck. I had never seen so many high end celebrities in one place, but there was no way I would talk to them.

That was until everyone went back home to our place to hang out and I couldn't just sit their quietly. I was already fangirling over the fact that Kelly Rowland was here and then NAOMI CAMPBELL.

"Normaniii aww my little niecey has grown", Kelly said running over to me.

I was sitting in shock with the biggest smile because everyone in here kind of knew me pr realized I existed and it was amazing. The fangirling feeling didn't fade at all and it was great help to talk to people. I have never met so many celebreties in my life and to realize they were normal people, I'm dumb.

"So when Mani was little I toom care of her and I looked away for five seconds this girl got my sparkly Louis Vouton heels. I knew she was destined for fashion I will teach her how to walk runways if necessary", Naomi said.

"I realy did that?", I asked.

"Yes we got the pictures look at it", my mom pulled out a photo album.

We looked at the picture and for a famous baby seemed like the world didn't recognize me to be disappearing from their life. Today was day I felt like it was all real like we are related for sure and that I'm not dreaming.


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