(Suck)er For (Me)

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"Hey! Hey Jean! I got a wobbly tooth!" Connie hollered in triumph, poking Jean constantly.

"Really? What are you, twelve? I got the last of mine out around the time I turned fourteen." Jean scoffed. "It's not that much of an accomplishment."

"It is for me! I've been trying to get rid of this one for the last couple weeks. It's my last one!" Connie whined. "Its wobbly, but it's stubborn."

Jean looked at Connie unimpressed as he obviously tried wiggling the tooth.

"So? What do you want me to do about it Connie?" Jean rolled his eyes as Connie paused to think, pulling his fingers out of his mouth, but leaving it on his bottom lip in thought. They were still wet with saliva, glistening it the light of the room. Jean was disturbed at how much his mind was focused on such a tiny detail. Maybe because it was just disgusting to stick your fingers in your mouth without hesitation like a savage.

"-loosen it up?" Jean snapped his head up to look at Connie in shock. Had he heard right?

"Sorry, what?" He cleared his throat awkwardly.

"I asked it you could help me loosen my tooth up a bit more so I can pull it out? I'm too afraid myself of the pain..." Connie admitted with a huff.

"So...What? You want me to punch it out?" Jean smirked at the thought.

"No way you sadistic horse-face!" Connie snapped, glaring at him.

"Then what? It's not like I'm gonna use my own fingers to pull it out." Jean regretted saying those words when he saw Connie perk up.

"That's it-!"

"No way in hell! I am not putting my fingers in that disgusting mouth of yours." Jean growled.

"Ah, come on Jean! It would really help." Connie tried to give his best puppy dogs, but all he did was freak out Jean with the way his iris' seemed to shake in his wide eyes.

"Stop that please, that's creepy." Jean crutched up his nose. Connie stopped but pouted slightly. That was, admittedly, a bit cuter.

"Come on Jean, please help me out." Connie pleaded.

"No way. Can't make me." Jean smirked and was about to get up and leave when he saw Connie's grin.

"Can't make you? That's a laugh. Ah, what if poor Mikasa knew about your stash..." He mocked a sigh.

"W-What the hell are you talking about?" Jean hoped to God he didn't know.

"Oh, just of the pictures you keep under your mattress." Connie stood and stuffed his hand under the mattress, only to fish out a stash of picture, all held together with a rubber band.

"H-Hey!" Jean tried to snatch them back, but Connie dodged easily since he was on ground and Jean was on a pliable bed. "Give them back!"

"No way~ If poor Mikasa knew of your little hobby, she'd be creeped to the max...Though I could probably get a few extra rations for these snaps of Eren." Connie chuckled. "Sasha is always beggin' me for extra food, she'd quit bugging me with the extra rations on me." Connie grinned slyly at Jean who had to hold back a blush. He didn't think anyone knew of the pictures.

He had gained a hobby for photography after his father gave him a camera with months worths of film. It was great. Only problem was the pictures he would take since he couldn't just do it out in the open and didn't want people nicking it off him.

He had multiple pictures of everyone in the cabin sleeping. He was a habit of clicking the button when he was bored, so when he couldn't sleep, he'd fulfill his boredom with his camera.

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