Levi x Male!Hanji

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Hanji skipped towards Levi's room, humming happily as he carried his books, knocking his door open without even knocking.


Levi let out an annoyed groan hearing his name being called by that familiar voice.


"Look at my new book! Mike got it for my birthday!" He grinned. Levi looked at the book, clearly not interested.

"I should care why, Shitty-Glasses?" Hanji pouted.

"I thought you'd like to see it! That's why. But I guess not." He added childishly, sitting on his desk.

"What are they about?" Levi asked, slightly regretting that question, because knowing Hanji he would go on for ages.

"It's a story book! That's what he told me at least." Hanji opened the book at a random page. "I'll read a random section for you!" Levi nodded and looked at him, waiting for a paragraph to be read. Hanji cleared his throat and began reading. "She laid him on bed and slowly ran her hand up his-" Hanji paused before standing and throwing the book. "Damn you Mike! You do this every time!" He yelled at the roof.

Levi snickered slightly but hides it.

"Why are you reading such inappropriate things in my be office Shitty-Glasses?"

"I-It was Mike's fault!" Hanji heard laughter from above the ceiling. "I will get you back for this!" Hanji covered his flushed face.

"Tch...Blaming it on him are we? I think you did this purposely." Levi stands and smirks.

"I-I didn't! I swear, I usually read stuff like that when I'm on my own!" Hanji admitted without realising.

"You do huh?" He looked at Hanji. "I can't permit that and I'm sure Erwin doesn't either."

"Uh, I-I, I mean I-" His words were lodged in his throat, embarrassment fluttering in his gut. He couldn't believe he had said that! His heat was pounding in his ears.

"You have to be punished." Levi coldly stated, trying to hide the fact he was enjoying the situation.

"What are you talking about? It's in my own free time..." Hanji stepped away slightly, but found his back to a wall. Quite literally.

"Tch...it's inappropriate...and dirty~" Levi whispered the last part into Hanji's ear. Hanji swallowed thickly, his breath caught on his words. He licked his lips nervously, biting it. He really didn't want to have to clean the yards again~!

Levi suddenly kisses Hanji roughly. Hanji gasped and grasped the front of Levi's uniform. He was going to push him away, but something told her not to.

Levi kept kissing Hanji. What the hell just came over him? Why was he kissing this shithead? Maybe it was all the fumes from his cleaning supplies that have finally messed with his brain to make him do something so stupid but he didn't want to stop.

Hanji moaned softly into the kiss and wrapped his arms around the shorter mans shoulders, desperately wanting to press further into the others mouth, but for all he knew, he'd bit his tongue off. Levi slips his tongue into Hanji's mouth and began to dominate the kiss.

Hanji moaned in surprise at the sudden domination, but didn't bother stopping him, instead he let his hands slip inside Levi's jacket and push it off his shoulders to the ground. Levi pulled away with a trial of saliva connecting their lips. Hanji pants softly, licking his tingling lips.

"Wh-What was that?" He pouted slightly, "That was barely anything." He teased the shorter man. Levi smirked.

"Punishment isn't supposed to be pleasurable."

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