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This was it.
Today's the day.
Finally, after years and year of waiting. I could finally get to reunite with everyone.
It was my best friend's wedding day, I'd missed him so much. Friendship is family, love, and much more. People think love hurts? Ever had a best friend who loves you more than even your family members? Probably not, because when you lose such a friend, the world does not know a greater grief. The sadness is so profound, so deep, that it can ruin a man. And I was not a man who is easily ruined. After all, there was a million dollars on my head already.
I was a national hero, but an international threat.
After all those years of service, people asked me how I survived the elite combat force.
But the thing they couldn't grasp was, i never did aim to survive. I wanted to thrive, and i had done so. And where did i get the motivation from? Well, I'll let you in on a secret. Nothing is easier than finding motivation when it is to help other people. It is the motivation to save ourselves that is hard to come by. My brave and reckless antics had earned me quite a reputation. Thankfully, this also helped me to get permission to attend my best friend's wedding without much hassle.

'Being a hero has it's perks after all," i thought to myself, smiling drily.

Nevertheless, they had still sent six of the best offices to be my bodyguards.
I turned back to see them all at guard, looking straight ahead with complete attention. I rolled my eyes at them and turned the volume up. The music was slow and soft, just the way i liked it.
I could feel people staring at the bulletproof convoy moving along these roads. I was used to it by then, even though i still did not like people staring at me. It was just one of the minor inconveniences that came with the job. I leaned back in my seat and looked at the sky. It was a beautiful day, but i wished it rained. For some reason I've always loved storms. The lightning and thunder always got me so excited.

"We're almost there, sir," the driver called out from the front.

Well well well, its time to surprise some old friends.

It looked like the wedding had already begun. I could hear the hubbub from inside the hall.

'Good,' i thought to myself. 'there's no one here to stare me down at least'.

As i entered through the side entrance, i could feel memories over memories flow through my head. Only God knew how much i had missed everyone. They were all on the stage, posing for photographs.

'I'm definitely going to sneak in for the photo, like the good old photobombing times.' I smiled at the thought, and made my way in.

"You actually made it!," he exclaimed, turning around. He had recognised me from the reflection in the lens.

"Of course i did, how can i not be at my best friend's wedding?," I said smilingly, as i hugged him as tight as i could. He was gasping for air because of the tight embrace as he realised i was not the same skinny guy he had once known.

"It's so good to see you, man." He wiped a tear away before anyone could notice. I smiled back at him, he had always been a sentimental guy.

I was so happy to see everyone after so long. But there was something bothering me, something seemed off. I brushed it off thinking it was just change over time. I wasn't going to overthink and ruin this day.

'Live in the moment, Sam," i thought to myself.

I took a deep breath and sat on my reserved seat. It seemed a bit out in the open. There went my army instincts, always assuming i was in danger. I shook my head and laughed it off. Out of the corner of my eye i saw it. A military-grade sniper's rifle barrel staring right at me. It was so far away and still so clear to me. I saw the assassin look to my best friend, waiting for confirmation. He nodded back, indicating to proceed. Then, he looked at me half-apologetically. There was sorrow in his eyes, there was betrayal. I smiled back at him, he knew i would always forgive him no matter what. And that included killing me.

I looked at my killer and screamed,
"See you in hel-" i was cut off with a bullet to the forehead.

As i fell back into the arms of death, there was only one thing on my mind. It was about how pathetic i was to forgive the people i love so completely no matter what they did. But even in those final moments, i rejoiced at the fact that at least i loved with all of my heart, no matter what.

That alone had always been my proudest achievement.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2017 ⏰

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