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Tyler's POV

I woke up on my very familiar couch but in a very unfamiliar place... Soon to be familiar. I leaned over and shook Troye, who was laying asleep beside me.

"Troye...... Wake up." I said nudging him. "Troye we gotta unpack all our shit."

"I want *yawn* to eat...... Breakfast before we do anything." Troye grumbled.

"I think Connor picked us up some pancake mix at the store yesterday. I'll go make some, come with me.... Get up." I said pulling Troye off the couch. We walked into the kitchen and I opened a few boxes, finally finding a pan. I made us breakfast and we sat down in the breakfast nook to eat.

"So today is definitely unpacking day." I stated.

"Yeah... We should probably do that." Let's start with the most important rooms first; kitchen, living room, bedrooms, bathrooms are probably the most important areas of the house."

"Yeah, that's probably the best thing to do." I agreed.

We ate our breakfast and then spent most of the day unpacking. We got the whole kitchen unpacked, we got the living room unpacked and all the main bathrooms because those were the most important parts of the house in case someone can to visit.

"On to the bedrooms." I said as Troye followed me up the stairs.

We walked into our bedroom that already had most of our furniture in it. We unpacked all the boxes sitting around in the there and we did our bathroom.


"Wonder who it?" I said to Troye sarcastically. I bet it was the usual gang.

I walked down stairs with Troye and opened the door to no other than the usual gang. Connor was carrying a pizza box, Lily was carrying beach towels, and Joey was carrying... Kate, on his back.

"Pool party!!!" Joey said as they all walked in.

"Oh.. I was wondering why Lily had beach towels." I said understanding.

"Yeah, I hope it's okay that we came." Lily said appologetically.

"Girl it's fine." Troye said.

"Let's go out to the pool." I prompted. We walked out back to the pool. Connor sat the pizzas on the outside table we had.

"I brought pizza!!!" Connor yelled.

"I noticed." I yelled back.

Troye and I ran upstairs and slid on some swim trunks and tanks. We walked out back to the pool.

The whole gang all sat down around the table and ate pizza just talking and laughing about random stuff.


I looked down at my phone and Zoe was calling. I answered and put it on speaker.

"Hey girl!" I screamed into the phone. "Your on speaker with Me, Troye, Connor, Joey, Lily, and Kate."

"Hey GUYS!!!!!" She yelled. A chorus of 'Hey' and 'what up' followed her.

"So what did ya need Zoe?" I asked her.

"Well I heard you moved to a HOUSE, and I just wanted to say congrats. Also.... I have news." She said hesitantly.

"Come on girl. What's the news?" I prompted her.

"Well.... I um.... Alfie and I um..... Well... We...are...expecting...a baby!" Zoe said stumbling over her words.

"OMG girl that's amazing!" I yelled.

"Yeah! I know! I'm excited." She replied.

"Congrats Zoe." Lily yelled. Everyone then started squealing and yelling congratulations.

"Thanks guys you all are the best. But I've really gotta run! I'll talk to you all agin later. I just felt like I had to tell you now!" Zoe said.

"Okay girl. I'll skype ya' or something."

"Okay. Bye Tyler, bye everyone." Zoe said.

"Bye!" Everyone yelled in the phone.

This is so crazy Zoe is expecting! I can't believe it! We all sat around and talked about the baby and about relationships.

"So what about you two?" Kate asked, pointing to Troye and I.

"What do you mean?" Troye asked.

"Well, I mean you bought this huge house, you guys are married, are you not going to adopt?" Kate asked.

"Oh..." Troye said kind of surprised.

"Well... We haven't really talked about it." I replied.

"Think you both would make great parents!" Lily said.

"Yeah. You guys should adopt." Connor agreed.

"I hope to adopt just whenever we are both ready." I said, not wanting to say anything that might hurt Troye since he was only 21, almost 22.

"Yeah." Troye agreed.

"Let's get in the pool!" I said trying to change the topic.

"Yes!!" Troye screamed.

Joey got up from the table with Kate and picked her up bridal style. She started laughing and saying 'I can walk Joey! Put me down.'

"Okay." Joey said as he threw Kate into the pool and dove in after her.

We all just stood there laughing and watching them act like little kids. Lily and Connor walked over to the diving board and started doing tricks off the end. I walked hand-and-hand with Troye to the edge of the pool. I grabbed the bottom hem of his tanktop and slowly lifted it off him, taking a moment to admire his body that always left me breathless. He bit him lip. Damn. He was sexy. He then did the same to me. Once my shirt was off he grabbed my hips and pulled me into, what I thought was going to be a kiss, but instead right before our lips touched, he pushed me into the pool, luckily I managed to grab his hand as I was falling and pulled him in with me.

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