When coming to my school you think that your gonna make new friends, but your in for something. I learned that the hard way. I learned alot of things at that school the hard way . This is a question for all the readers do you have an odd friend that your parents tell you to stay away from? I had a friend like that and I should have listened because that friend changed my look for so many things . She spreader lies about me to an entire school . That's when i learned who was and wasn't my friend . There was so much pain i went though a crises of heart break and lonley Ness and I hope no one should have to go through it . Everyday I stepped into school waiting for the day to pass but one day there was one someone that changed some things for the better . I never thought my science teacher would help me the way she did . She called my mom and said one day " Nanshalle is failing class why is that ?" My mom explained to her that I was going through something and she felt so bad and she ralk to do the next day and said " no one should have to go through that " she switched my classes to make it better for me she was my angel for middle school .
the secret life of fake friends
Teen Fictionthis story is about how you don't know who your true friends are in middle school and you find out through a crises you go throw but then you realize it helped you so much