Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Clair's POV

The typical Miami's palm trees, made me remember the pleasant family weekends that mom, dad and I used to go to the beach. We would usually take a huge picnic basket with us with a variety of different foods – juice, soda, biscuits, fruits, sandwich, chocolates and even pizza, you name it. People would usually look at us with weird expressions, as if we were a bunch of tourists, but I guess it was because picnic at noon at popular beaches aren't very common in Miami.  Yeah, we were strange. After eating mum and dad would chill at the sand while I would go and enjoy the sea. The best thing was that these short trips never got old. Its really unfortunate they wont happen anymore.

As usual the school's lot was full, it took a while to find an available spot. Nick's small yet eye catching red Porsche, outstand from the other cars. After parking, he opened my door making justice to the gentleman he is and holding hands, just like an ordinary couple, we headed towards Miami High's famous white staircase, where all types of people and groups would hang around.

I know its really cliché, but seriously, my school is just like those ones in movies. There are the typical nerds, where most of the girls wear high pleaded or polka-dotted skirts and the boys wear high shorts and khakis. They love talking about a diversity of books and films, and I admire how careless they are, not caring and sometimes not even realizing the rude people chatting about them. Then there are also the typical jocks that always hang around the prettiest and most popular girls in school. Honestly, they aren’t even so magnificent as most people say, they are only more willing and outgoing when the subject is boys. There are plenty of just ordinary people, like my friends and I, who blended amongst the crowd, and a few carefree and impudent boys, commonly known as “bad boys” that stand next to the walls analyzing everyone with their dark and sinister gaze.

The good thing though, is that you don’t need to be a slut to be popular here. Yes, I did really shitty things on my past, things I’m not proud of, but I was never considered a slut, in fact, I was really picky when choosing a boy to make out with, and still, I was always invited to every, single, party. People infatuated me for the shits I did. Its as if they want to see me screwed and my mistakes brought them joy. But I’m a new person now. Yet, I still don’t know if this is good or bad, I mean, I used to have great fun, at least I think I did. The truth is, after this stupid incident, I will never be the old me again.

Spotting Hannah and Rose on our claimed place, right on the top of the stairs made me smile, since I haven’t seen them in a while. They were the best friends I could have asked for, and apart from Nick and aunt Sophie, they were all I had left. After giving me a sweat kiss, my boyfriend headed towards his group of friends, all football players, and I still couldn't understand how a heartwarming boy like him could hang with those guys, where most were total jerks.

"Hey Clair", Hannah sweetly spoke, moving forward to embrace me on a welcoming hug

"Hey" I answered with a slight smile

Hannah is simply the most gorgeous girl in high school. Her natural blonde hair cascades perfectly in lose curls beneath her chest and her pale skin and bright blue eyes can easily mesmerize anyone. She is tall and have a body to wish for, toned and bronzed. With these looks she can have any boy she wants, and of course, she uses this on her favor. But she is not only every guys dream girl, the leader of the cheerleading club, but also an awesome best friend. I know from experience she will use anything in her power to help me, even if its not exactly legal.

"How are you feeling hun?” Rose asked, with a sweet smile

"Its tough, but I'm trying to stay strong,” I answered honestly. It’s the truth, I mean, of course its difficult, extremely difficult, but the least I can do is try to make everyone see that I can deal with my personal problems in my own way, and not be all crippled and miserable like they expect me to be.

Rose is also stunning, a rare and exotic beauty. She has dark skin, dark eyes and long black hair. She's not as tall as Hannah, yet still taller than me and also possesses a perfect, slim body. Rose is known for her perfect grades, and I mean it, she is always the top of the class, and she doesn't even need to study that hard, it just comes naturally to her. She is the most supportive person I've ever met, and she gives up everything for someone she loves.

We continued with some small talks for a while, as the subjects varied from movies, boys, school and parties. They were very careful not to talk about their trips or anything to do with the summer holidays, which I’m very grateful for.  In all honesty, it was strange to finally talk to them again, after so much has happened. I feel as if I’m not being completely opened with them like I used to be. But I guess its normal on this stage…

As soon as the bell rang we took our own separate ways to our classrooms. I obviously noticed the sad, and sometimes sorry expressions of the teachers, whenever they called the register or looked at me. I’m glad they were understanding and didn’t ask much from me in class. Even Miss. Ballt, my history teacher, who loved teasing me, and would usually keep asking me facts I supposedly learned 4 years ago, which in her words were “of great importance to our modern world”, didn’t direct me one single question. A one in a lifetime occurrence.

As expected, everyone asked me how I was. The day was filled with "how are you doing?” "Are you feeling better?” "I'm here for you", "you'll get through it" and there were even some people telling me they are sorry, yet, they have no idea what I'm going through. It’s just so ridiculous that I've never talked to most of these people, and they suddenly decide to chat with me, as if it would make a huge difference. I hate that they pity me. 


Hope you like this chapter guys!! Its a bit longer than the last one :)

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xoxo ~ Lana

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