Chapter 2

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                        (Btw This is when they... Are in the foggy  place now !!! :P time skip!)

    I smiled at Killua and giggled "I am sorry for getting worked up Killua! And Kurapika.. i am sorry I didn't know.. And Gon... You made me fall into Kurapika ! and Leorio.... I am sorry for calling you an Elder... I really am... But when I bowed to you... YOU acted like you were a king..." I said "Well Yea! I want to be greeted like a King when I get lots and lots of money...!" Leorio said and me and Kurapika SweatDropped and "Well.. Yumi! I did kinda do that on .... umm... I did mean to make you fall into Kurapika..." Gon said and I looked at Killua he looked Annoryed and so Gon for a slit second... and than Gon turned to his normal self. And had a big grin on his face. I frowned "... Look I know you might hate.. me But I might... Hunt you down.. during this hunter's exams.. But Don't worry If someone else hurts any of you...  There Dead Meat... and I will heal you.. Don't worry I won't treat you like dolls.. or toys.. More like human Beings I will Be nice to you But if I get saved by one of you than I might reconicter Hunting you down..." I said and I  smiled

   I walked away looking down and than Tompa bumped into me I pulled out my knife and when I did It kind Cut his cheek and some blood fell from his cheek and I looked at him and my eye's were lifeless looking.. I didn't notice but everyone was looking at me shivering I let out 50% Of bloodlust. I than put my Knife away and my bloodlust reminded for awhile thats good because others tried to stay away from me. I found away to get near them.. I sneaked up behind them they could since my bloodlust and turned around and I sighed and walked away and I grinned while I was walking away because I had enough time to put some of Nen I use on him that makes half of his body turn into Dead Welted flower pelts and I smiled when I heard him scream I turned around to see it was the same guy I healed I shrugged and I saw Kurapika and Leorio and Gon and Killua staring at the guy  that I turned Half of his body into dead welted flower petals which was the guy I healed...I still left my Bloodlust be seased I walked infront of people and moved to the side. than The clown guy just grabbed me around the neck and was lifting me in the air were my feet was off the ground I was choking "Let me.." Gasp " Go.." Gasp I felt my eye's slowly starting to close and I was losing air my body felt heavy.. like I couldn't move any more.He held my throat tighter I start kick the air and I grabbed his wrist and I was starting to struggle and he was grinning really creepy "Let me go.. You basterd" I said and I smiled and I was kicking and I kept kicking his stumach and he wouldn't let go I was trying to get loose from his grip around my neck and than.. the whole place started to go black..

                                                                      Hisoka's point of view

      I was holding his girls neck and she started to kick my stumach but I wouldn't let go of her neck and than she started to loose her grip on my wrist and than she closed her eye's and her hands dropped from my wrist. and she stopped kicking "Aww... You passed out on me... what a shame..." I said and I kept holding her by the neck until someone hit me in the side of the face I looked who it was it was a little boy with green hair and the other man with glasses and a kid with blond hair. they all were glaring at me. than I smiled "You pass..." I said and I put the girl over my shoulder "Hey come back!" Said the green hair kid "You have to come and Catch me first.." I said and I disapeared into the fog

                                                                  At the second Exam

    I placed the girl down by a tree and after awhile the people that tried to save her came and looked around franicly when they noticed I was staring them I pointed to a tree and they ran towards the tree.

                                                             Leorio's point of view

                             I ran after gon and Killua and Kurapika and I saw Yumi by a tree "Leorio! Please see if her heart is still beating and see if she's breathing!" Gon said "Gon..-" I said "Just Check Leorio!" Killua said and I knelled down and I grabbed her wrist and checked her Puls and her heart was beating just not as normal.. I put my hand infront of her mouth and she wasn't breathing "She isn't breathing... But her heart is still beating..." I said and Kurapika got a worried look on his face and so did Gon and Killua. I lied her on the ground and Kurapika knelled on the other side of her "I will give her mouth the mouth.. alright Leorio.." Kurapika said and I nodded and I stood up

                                            Kurapika's point of view

    After Leorio stood up I went foward and I put my mouth on her's and I did Cpr after that I pushed her chest. I did 3 times. and she woke up. I looked at her and Leaned down and hugged her I was starting to cry 'Why.. am I crying..' I thought "Your awake! Your awake Yumi!" I said and I stopped hugging her and I she saw I was kinda crying

                                        Yumi's point of view

      I started to open my eye's and Kurapika was knelled by my side and before he looked at me he he was pushing on my chest like her was doing Cpr on me.. But Cpr involes Mouth to Mouth... he looked at me and he looked happy and he leaned down and hugged me "Your awake! Your awake yumi!" Kurapika said and he stopped hugging and he was kinda crying "Why.. are you crying.. kurapika.." I asked and Kurapika smiled "I was just so worried..." Kurapika said and Gon came and Hugged me and so did Killua they were both crying "We were so worried!" Gon and Killua said at the same time I smiled "I'll reconsider.. hunting you down.." I said.

    (OOOhhhh! Kurapika Did Cpr on Yumi! and Got to kiss her first! What is going through Killua's and Gon's head right now?! Lets find out in the next Chapter!)


Hunter x hunter ( My oc x Killua x Gon x Kurapika )Where stories live. Discover now