The Goblin

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There once was a goblin who every night came out of the ground and went to weep about his lost ones. But one night while is was very stormy out he came and was especially angry. The cemetery where his loved ones had been buried was going to be dug up and on top there was going to be placed a house. He trembled with anger in fact he trembled so hard that the ground began to shake. When the ground shook a skeleton came from the ground, slowly but then again he was only a skeleton.

He told the skeleton that he had trembled so hard that he had disturbed his/ her sleep.

The goblin replied that if his loved ones couldn't rest then neither could anyone else. Suddenly out of pure rage he trembled, shaking the earth so hard that the cemetery split right in half. All at once each skeleton fell to the center of the earth, including his loved ones. It was a terrible sight to see and was even a terrible thing to see. Since then the goblin has never come back. But still to this day some people say that if you go to this mysterious cemetery you can still hear the screams and shrieks of the skeletons that fell that day.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2014 ⏰

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