On the step to life

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Your Pov

   Botan had suggested that we visited our funeral, yea I know great idea.

"Yusuke I bet there only doing this so they can tell us how much they hate us."I say scowling.

   "I could have told you that"

"Look at them, if they don't like us why the hell did they come here?"

At the Funeral ...

Narrator's Pov

Kuwabara had just stormed in furious about Yusuke dying,something about having to beat you both in a fight. After some more convincing,you and Yusuke decided to take the ordeal,but not without some bickering first.

"No you two go. Yusuke take the dumb ordeal. Life wasn't that important to me anyways."You said looking away.

"Shut up! Idiot! Shut up!!!!!" He snapped.

  "Come over here and make me!" You screamed.

"Now,now. Yusuke Y/n don't do anything rash."Botan said nervously.

Seems like Yusuke really has feelings. He walked over and hugged you. You felt your cheeks become red but you were silent.

"I know you.. I should have known better Y/n forgive me. Your'e to dumb to understand when people care about you."

 "Let me know when your ready to eat what your dishing out" You snapped pulling away.

"Okay you two love birds let's get going."she teased.

"What the hell?!" You both yelled in sync.Both of your faces were red.

  "No matter.Just hop on."

"Hey Botan how fast does thing go  anywaaaay " Y/n yelled.

"Slow down you  moron!" The two of you yelled as they zoomed away to the Spirt World.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2017 ⏰

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